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Posts by category
- Category: Antibiotic-free
- Automation key to ensuring sanitation in ‘no antibiotics ever’ systems
- Live-vaccine program a ‘must have’ to deal with cage-free E. coli challenge
- Best-management practices key to successful NAE broiler production
- US poultry producers commit to limiting antibiotics despite production slip
- Shift to cage-free egg production prompts need to revise health and management plans
- Hatchery tips for successful transition to NAE production
- Better management, biosecurity could mean lower Salmonella levels in NAE farms
- Good management and biosecurity vital to overcoming disease challenges in NAE systems
- Coccidiosis in conventional flocks presenting a significant challenge
- Glutamine supplement shows promise in reducing necrotic enteritis
- Chick quality vital to no-antibiotics-ever success, consultant says
- NAE production uncovers water quality challenges
- Intestinal health in the era of NAE
- Antibiotics and the poultry industry: What’s next?
- NAE production: Helping contract growers navigate maze of new challenges
- Nearly 60% of US broilers now raised without antibiotics, but that number may have peaked
- Good flock management key to managing Mycoplasma synoviae resurgence
- Decisions, decisions: Which gut health strategies should be used when?
- Ensuring strong immunity key to successful ‘no antibiotics ever’ broiler production
- Coccidiosis control: Keys to success with a bioshuttle program
- Necrotic enteritis control requires multi-pronged approach in RWA systems
- Helping contract growers’ transition to no-antibiotics-ever broiler production
- Report: US poultry producers slash use of medically important antimicrobials while shifting focus to disease prevention
- Ensuring chick quality in NAE production
- World poultry industry still struggling with necrotic enteritis
- Pilgrim’s veterinarian shares experiences with NAE production
- Life without antibiotics: Field lessons learned the hard way
- Sanitation key to successful NAE production
- Coccidiosis control, litter management key to NE prevention in broilers raised without antibiotics
- E. coli becoming more common with rise in ‘no antibiotics ever’ programs
- Specialists share tips for optimizing immunity in ‘no antibiotics ever’ and ‘reduced use’ broiler flocks
- Team effort by human, animal sectors needed to ensure responsible antibiotic use worldwide
- Industry trendwatcher offers insights on future of antibiotic-free poultry production
- Rennier: NAE programs represented 40% of US broiler feeds in 2017
- USDA, industry groups take issue with WHO’s statement on poultry antibiotics
- Antibiotic-free poultry production: Is it sustainable on a large scale?
- Non-ionophore anticoccidial may help manage necrotic enteritis in RWA flocks
- Necrotic enteritis: Can it be managed effectively in NAE flocks?
- Poultry veterinarians facing new challenges with NAE trend, food safety guidelines
- Successful ABF production: Mastered technique or corporate culture?
- UK makes significant cuts in poultry antibiotic use
- Managing coccidiosis successfully in poultry raised without antibiotics
- Finding the right balance with antibiotics and flock welfare
- Veteran poultry scientist optimistic about managing necrotic enteritis in NAE flocks
- Getting the hatchery ready for ‘No Antibiotics Ever’ production
- Managing coccidia ‘leakage’ in antibiotic-free production systems
- Mountaire stands on middle ground in antibiotic debate
- Striking a balance with ABF poultry production
- Antibiotic issues broaden poultry veterinarians’ role
- While new data show growth for NAE production, responsible antibiotic usage still holding its own
- Poultry sector must adapt to “antibiotic-free” demands
- 5 ABF health tips from Miller Poultry
- Fast growth seen for ABF poultry production, but for how long?
- View from Europe on ABF
- Poultry companies need to balance consumer preferences with flock health, welfare and food safety
- The Poultry Smith
- Mathis: Long-term planning key to effective coccidiosis management
- Tyson vet shares experiences with antibiotic-free broilers
- Sanderson Farms vet shares views on sustainability, antibiotic-free and FDA’s new antimicrobial guidelines
- Alternative treatments for necrotic enteritis: Has CQR’s Steve Davis found the ‘silver bullet’?
- Necrotic enteritis: In search of the silver bullet
- Sanderson veterinarian voices concerns about ‘anti-technology’ movement
- Thinking about going antibiotic-free? Expert panel offers insights, suggestions
- Balancing consumers’ preferences with flock health, welfare and food safety
- Antibiotic-free production: Tips for making it work
- Marketing vs. Medicine: Finding the balance
- Tips for feeding poultry raised without antibiotics
- Will antibiotic-free trend make US broiler producers less competitive?
- Reality check: Technically, all poultry in the US is ‘antibiotic-free’
- Poultry specialist offers tips for managing gut health through better nutrition
- Industry roundtable: Raising poultry without antibiotics
- Roundtable highlights: Raising poultry without antibiotics
- Keys to successful ABF production
- What poultry is really raised without antibiotics?
- Antibiotic-free broiler production requires a paradigm shift
- Life without antibiotics in poultry production
- Category: Biosecurity
- Circulation fans reduce severity of footpad dermatitis
- Researchers address producer FAQs around cage-free egg production
- Vegetative buffers yield many benefits for poultry farms
- Farm mortality issues highlight importance of checking water supply
- Study exposes Salmonella-contamination risks of integrated broiler production
- Don’t overlook feed biosecurity in efforts to manage Salmonella
- HPAI prevention requires ‘buckle-up’ mentality to biosecurity
- Avian flu strain behind recent outbreaks related but not identical to 2014-15 strain
- Salmonella Enteritidis in feed can be a source for broiler flocks
- Comparing necrotic enteritis litter models highlights performance impacts
- Lockdown mode urged with avian flu outbreaks in Mississippi and Central Flyways
- Limiting transmission of parasite currently best option for controlling histomoniasis
- Details matter when it comes to ILT vaccination success
- Litter problems persist
- Litter management can help control Salmonella Heidelberg
- Lessons from the Midwest’s 2015 avian flu outbreak
- Utilizing on-farm testing key to helping processors understand S. Infantis loads
- Tailoring control measures key to managing Salmonella
- Poultry biosecurity has lessons for coping with COVID-19
- Hospitals offer inspiration for next-generation poultry biosecurity tools
- Perdue veterinarian seeks answers to inconsistent foodborne pathogen load
- Wet bulb reservoirs can be source of bacterial contamination for hatching eggs
- Poultry litter management key to MS control
- Preventive measures are only option for combatting key parasites in turkeys
- Virulent ND in California sending wake-up call to US poultry industry
- Bioshuttle program helps control E. tenella outbreaks in pullets
- Effective biosecurity requires addressing the culture of a company
- Biosecurity expert sees more room for improvement on poultry farms
- Poultry experts identify weak links in live production that can compromise Salmonella control
- Commercial poultry vets can help backyard growers, and themselves, by sharing tips on biosecurity
- Biosecurity, disinfection, downtime keys to better ILT control
- Study shows how unchanged boots disrupt biosecurity
- Buckling down on biosecurity
- Biosecurity: ‘It doesn’t have to be boring’
- Commercial and backyard poultry production: Bringing two worlds together for better biosecurity
- Check farm biosecurity now ahead of potential avian flu return, disease expert says
- New Marek’s test helps ensure successful vaccination, biosecurity
- Lapses in biosecurity: Veterinarian urges poultry companies to avoid these mistakes
- Hatchery expert offers tips for fighting bacteria, improving biosecurity
- Producers eye vaccines, sanitation, biosecurity following new VFD rules
- Biosecurity ‘most important tool’ to limit avian flu risk
- Video provides practical biosecurity tips for poultry
- Biosecurity in poultry production: What makes it work — and what doesn’t
- Educating growers improves broiler biosecurity
- HPAI spread by poor biosecurity
- Breaches in biosecurity: Sanderson Farms vet shares three valuable lessons
- Category: Condemnations
- USDA evaluating Salmonella-reduction steps along the poultry supply chain
- Four-year study highlights value of vaccinating turkeys against E.coli
- Marek’s disease vaccination needed now more than ever
- Histopathology helping poultry plants use science to defend carcasses, minimize condemnations
- New avian leukosis rule expected to reduce waste, improve efficiency for processing plants and FSIS
- Vaccination with Poulvac® E. coli yields economic benefits in broilers
- Prestage Farms veterinarian: Processing chain communication critical to identify health issues early, reduce turkey condemnations
- USDA poultry inspections can help improve live production, processing
- Working with FSIS to reduce condemnations and cut losses
- Special report: Poultry veterinarians teaming up to reduce condemnations, optimize food safety
- Observe, judge, act — Veterinarian offers practical tips for reducing carcass condemnations
- Exploring the cause of condemnations can reduce losses
- Condemnations, mortality shift focus to E. coli vaccination in some broiler flocks
- E. coli in broilers: Its costly impact on condemnations and mortality
- Category: Diagnostics
- Routine testing for IB vaccine takes can improve performance and profits
- How effective IBV surveillance can prevent ‘overvaccination’
- Vaccines, biosecurity, management keys to keeping IBH in check
- Improving Salmonella surveillance in turkeys
- Diagnostics for IBH start with subtle indicators
- Tooling up for better disease protection through applied research
- IBH gaining more attention in broiler flocks as incidence, mortalities rise
- Use ‘tools of discovery’ and all your senses to identify emerging poultry diseases
- Genomic technology sheds light on Salmonella serotypes in breeder flocks
- Poor IBV vaccine performance in broiler study underlines need for surveillance
- On-site PCR testing could aid smart antibiotic use in mycoplasmosis treatment
- Early infectious bronchitis virus infection causes more severe false layer syndrome
- Study questioning purity of avian reovirus samples has lab and field implications
- Tips for uncovering toxicity in poultry flocks
- Periodic IBV PCR testing is key to ensuring vaccination efficacy
- Molecular test helps identify pathogenicity in new strains of infectious bursal disease virus
- Diagnostics key to effective mycoplasma control
- Population diagnostics challenging for poultry veterinarians
- Calcium toxicity cases underscore value of networking for knowledge
- QX, 793b found to be most prevalent IBV field strains in Europe
- Surveillance of circulating IBV types essential for disease control
- Failure of maternal antibodies to protect against E. coli infection highlights need for early protection
- Biomarkers helping to identify broilers susceptible to wooden breast syndrome
- Sentinel broilers, PCR testing help isolate, identify evolving IBV populations in Arkansas
- Advanced diagnostic tests helping identify IBV in Europe
- Genomic sequencing could aid ILT control efforts in poultry
- Consistency, follow-up key to controlling IBV
- Plan B: Using sentinel birds to track poultry viruses when you can’t obtain SPF birds
- Infectious bronchitis: Better diagnostics key to more effective vaccination
- New veterinary diagnostic networks to aid poultry, livestock production in Sub-Sahara
- Imaging technology quickly finds wooden-breast tissue
- Reducing false positives pays in ELISA mycoplasma testing
- Got maxima? New sampling procedure aids detection in broilers
- Coccidiosis research yielding new perspectives on AST
- Improving Rapid Detection Methods for Foodborne Pathogens
- Correlating lesion scores to microscores creates statistical model for efficacy, feed conversion in poultry
- Get the most from your ELISA tests
- Category: Documents
- Drugs transitioning from OTC to VFD status
- Guidance for Industry #233: Veterinary Feed Directive Common Format Questions and Answers
- FDA Fact Sheet: Veterinary Feed Directive final rule and next steps
- Veterinary Feed Directive, Final Rule
- Guidance for Industry No 120
- Guidance for Industry No 233
- Guidance for Industry No 209
- Guidance for Industry No 152
- Free 2015 AAAP Proceedings Booklet
- #152 Guidance for Industry: Evaluating the safety of antimicrobial new animal drugs with regard to their microbiological effects on bacteria of human health concern
- Antibiotic resistance threats in the United States, 2013
- #209 Guidance for Industry: The judicious use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals.
- Guidance for Industry No 213
- Category: Expert Advice
- Management, vaccination keys to Salmonella prevention in cage-free egg layers
- NAE producers need to focus on Eimeria oocysts for more effective control of coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis
- Vaccine strategy in cage-free layers requires new mindset
- Home for the holidays? Poultry vet urges ‘aseptic technique’ in the kitchen
- Anticoccidial sensitivity tests: Useful or not?
- Cooling chickens with sprinklers has multiple benefits
- Colibacillosis control in egg-laying chickens: A new tool in our toolbox
- Getting the best out of bioshuttle programs
- Monitoring field strains key to successful vaccination against IBDV
- Keeping up with coccidiosis remains challenging
- IBD control in egg layers has unique challenges
- Making sense of broiler-feed withdrawal — with the help of a few aphorisms
- 5 steps to preventing heat stress in layers
- Temperature and air flow critical to broiler performance year-round
- Infectious bronchitis DMV 1639: More questions than answers
- Sleuthing to pinpoint source of commercial flock pathogens
- Live Salmonella vaccines, some DFMs may not mix
- Stress is nothing to mess with, folks: 5 steps for connecting with each other in troubled times
- Moving animal health to the back burner — if only for a moment
- Prepare now for summer heat, humidity
- Virulent ND outbreaks underscore need to rethink vaccination program
- Preharvest reduction of Salmonella, Campylobacter key to better control efforts
- Water quality: No room for error in NAE flocks
- Maslow’s Pyramid: Self-actualization for chickens?
- A few tools to improve brooding, not antibiotic alternatives, are key to NE prevention
- Management key to preventing green muscle disease in broilers
- Infectious bronchitis control: Understanding why it’s so difficult
- Hurricane Florence and the poultry industry: Coping with the aftermath
- Mortality composting the right way: Tips for poultry producers
- Three research-proven ways to maximize Marek’s disease control
- Proper water pressure, volume essential to good flock performance
- The link between Salmonella and intestinal health
- ‘Inspect what you expect’ applies to poultry vaccination crews
- The case for built-up litter in US broiler complexes
- Planning anticoccidial rotation strategies: Consider the consequences
- Broiler-house management is key to preventing winter respiratory disease
- Paw quality in broilers: Why it’s important
- Ruling the roost: Alternative or conventional chicken?
- Campylobacter in poultry: An elusive pathogen
- Proper windrowing can minimize disease, benefit environmental management
- ‘Raised without antibiotics’ marketing has nothing to do with science
- Reducing your poultry farm’s carbon footprint: Good for the environment and for the birds
- Gangrenous dermatitis: Guarding against a costly disease
- Options for Salmonella control in live poultry production
- IBDV: Management obstacles and options
- Cage-free hen housing: How far will the pendulum swing?
- More diagnostics advised for better IB management in broilers
- Infectious bronchitis: Containing an ever-changing disease
- Understanding lasalocid: Veterinarian offers tips for getting the most from this proven anticoccidial
- Opinion: VFDs — More work, same result?
- Get to know the lesser-known risk factors of necrotic enteritis in broilers
- Improved understanding may end “white chick” era
- Reports of colistin resistance prompting layer producers to rethink E. coli management
- How the AST improves management of coccidiosis and flock performance
- Backyard flocks biggest risk for spreading vvIBDV in US
- IBV variants in poultry: Aiming for cross-protection
- Solving the mystery of gangrenous dermatitis in broilers
- What’s the most humane way to raise a chicken? Watch and listen
- Anticoccidial rotation, good husbandry can improve coccidiosis control
- Four tips for taking the lead on the animal-welfare conversation
- Successful Marek’s disease vaccination: The devil is in the details
- Five opportunities to optimize gut health, minimize necrotic enteritis in broilers
- IBD vaccination: HVT vector vaccine or live?
- Judicious antibiotic use: What does it mean in poultry?
- Field vaccination for respiratory disease: spray or pump?
- Randall Singer: Therapeutics and antibiotic resistance
- Getting gangrenous dermatitis under control
- Preventing infection, dehydration helps ensure good chick quality
- Antibiotic use in the U.S. poultry industry
- The “Huddling Syndrome” in the southeastern US broiler chicken industry: on-going investigations
- Environmental risk analysis helps ensure best results with in ovo vaccination
- How ionophores control coccidiosis
- The growing importance of nighttime air quality
- Studies demonstrate the benefits of dual-needle in ovo vaccine delivery
- ‘Location, location, location’ keys to successful in ovo vaccination
- Coccidiosis control takes long-term planning
- Practical programs for achieving sustainable coccidiosis control
- Avian Mycoplasma diagnostics
- Control of avian mycoplasmosis
- PCR: A simple explanation
- Experimental and applied approaches to control Salmonella in broiler processing
- Lameness in broilers: Osteomyelitis
- Category: Flock welfare
- Managing protozoal diseases in turkeys: There’s a lot we need to learn
- Back-to-basics for managing health of cage-free pullets
- Why new HPAI variants continue to emerge
- Distinctive condition affects layers as well as turkeys, broilers
- Bugs should be a key focus of biosecurity in controlling turkey disease
- Shedding light on LED lamps and dimmers: They’re not all a match
- Agreed indicators should help drive poultry-industry welfare
- UMN expert: Transparency, communication keys to mitigating the risks of HPAI
- Vaccinating for Marek’s? Don’t be thrown off by PFU levels
- UMN training program focuses on poultry company decision-making, during AI outbreaks
- SFS program helping to identify best practices for HPAI risk assessments
- Environmental enrichments increased broiler activity in study
- Inclusion body hepatitis re-emergence prompts fresh look at control strategies
- Long-term control for IBH includes vaccines, management protocols
- Impact of acidified water on live Salmonella vaccine evaluated in broilers challenged with S. Heidelberg
- Study: Day length during brooding did not impact broiler performance
- Managing layer health challenges as cage-free demand increases
- COVID pandemic had some positive effects on poultry health and welfare
- Salmonella serotypes are changing — monitor which ones are in your flock
- Recombinant vaccines for poultry: How to maximize results
- ILT vaccine choices: A closer look
- Avian flu likely to re-emerge and threaten US poultry flocks this fall
- Monitoring hen movement in cage-free aviaries provides valuable feedback
- Vaccine tweaks can make a big difference against key infectious bronchitis virus strain
- Building the base: What’s your broiler vaccine strategy?
- Greater understanding needed before new coccidiosis vaccines come to fore
- Overheating soybean meal hurts gut integrity, broiler growth
- Why ‘vaccinated’ chickens still get infected with IBV — and what to do about it
- Light impacts behavior in cage-free aviaries
- Strong, early protection with Poulvac® Procerta® HVT-IBD-ND attributed to extensive prototype screening, unique construction
- Free booklet offers insights for addressing IBH in broilers
- Poulvac® Procerta® HVT-IBD-ND provides early immunity, convenience for producers
- Veterinarian offers strategies for managing viral diseases in recombinant-based vaccination programs
- Marek’s study could lead to new management strategies in poultry
- Poultry industry can learn from COVID-19
- Marek’s disease control takes careful attention to detail
- Limiting E. coli transmission from hen to offspring
- ‘Competitive exclusion’ is potential benefit of live Salmonella vaccines in young birds
- Poulvac Procerta HVT-IBD offers early immunity, greater pullet uniformity in layers
- Modified-live E. coli vaccine helps control mortality, improves livability in layer production
- In ovo administration of recombinant HVT vector vaccines ‘perfect combination’ of microbiology and engineering
- Chance of Salmonella vaccine positives at processing ‘zero’ with Poulvac® ST
- Recombinant vector vaccines boon for industry but not all are the same
- Tips for managing inclusion body hepatitis
- Bioshuttle programs valuable tool for managing coccidiosis
- First seven days are crucial in ensuring layer chick quality
- Conventional, recombinant MD vaccination protocols compared in long-lived birds
- What lessons can poultry producers learn from extreme weather events?
- What does it take to be a successful poultry grower? Experts share their views
- E. coli vaccination can lead to higher egg numbers, study suggests
- Sharing data can help manage layer-farm disease and increase production
- Tackling a botulism outbreak in a breeder flock
- Going with the flow: How to maximize the effectiveness of spray vaccination
- Measuring temperature of birds’ faces could help identify heat stress in flocks
- IBDV linked to severe necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens
- Pullet vaccination: There’s always room for improvement
- Control key to protecting flocks from more virulent, resistant E. coli
- Latest breeder, broiler vaccines provide consistent IBDV immunity
- S. Heidelberg load reduced in chicks treated with acidified water the first 2 weeks of life
- Consider predominance of AL-2 variants when planning IBDV vaccination program
- Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND provides advantages of a recombinant plus 19-day onset of immunity
- Managing the health challenges of moving to free-range egg production
- Check equipment now to help birds withstand summer heat
- ND is stable in US but poultry industry should be on lookout for evolving strains
- Highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza confirmed in US commercial turkey flock
- Swift communication key to limiting the risk of poultry disease outbreaks
- Industry needs more poultry scientists to tackle disease challenges
- Better air circulation, moderately lower humidity improve paw quality
- What makes a chick tick: Help non-farm audiences understand poultry’s needs
- When vaccinating broilers against Salmonella may be worthwhile
- Urban chicken movement requires legislators to learn chicken basics
- Is there a connection between hemorrhagic hepatopathy and inactivated vaccines used in layers and layer breeders?
- Heat-stress study shows need to increase ventilation with stocking density
- Chicks may hold clues to lameness in older birds
- When you can’t have more than one: HVT vector or live vaccine for IBDV?
- Lack of approved medications continues to stymie welfare-minded turkey producers
- IBV vaccination protects broilers despite ammonia exposure
- Salmonella Infantis can complicate respiratory problems in broilers
- Uncertain supplies present challenges for rotation-minded producers
- Marek’s and Salmonella: John Smith, DVM, offers insights on two new broiler-vaccination trends
- Putting paper under chick’s drinkers: Is it really helpful?
- Blackhead disease causes reduced egg production in layer hens
- Let there be light: Early exposure to UV aids broiler behavior, performance
- Footpad dermatitis a greater concern in chickens grown to older ages
- Vaccination followed with feed medication gives pullets added protection against coccidiosis
- Tyson vet: Act quickly on unexplained poultry mortality
- Layer-hen stocking density affects Salmonella shedding
- When lysine is too much of a good thing
- Alternative therapies called best long-term hope for blackhead disease in turkeys
- US flocks have room to improve in avian flu protection
- Poultry veterinarians need to be the ‘voice of the birds’
- Should we tap the brakes on slow-growth chicken?
- Shortage of medications remains top issue for US turkey industry
- More collaboration needed to drive housing welfare standards
- Plant inspectors help poultry industry monitor welfare
- Water pressure: How does it affect broilers’ consumption, performance?
- Cage-free layers: Are ‘happier’ birds also healthier?
- Sanderson Farms’ Phil Stayer: ‘Mortality is the first measure of wellbeing’
- A look at animal wellbeing in the poultry industry
- Should antibiotics be used to prevent disease in poultry?
- Category: Food Safety
- Pre-harvest controls vital to tackling Salmonella prevalence
- Too few aware of FSIS guidelines about live Salmonella vaccines
- Research facility opened to help track and diagnose avian influenza outbreaks
- Breed may impact broiler response to Salmonella infection
- No consensus on future success of Salmonella control for poultry industry
- Study highlights risk of high Salmonella exposure, more persistent serotypes
- Study shows modified-live vaccine can aid fight against Salmonella Infantis
- Live vaccines are key to Salmonella-control programs — here’s why
- Effective Salmonella control requires involvement of entire production chain
- Turkey-farm study finds Salmonella Infantis prevalent
- E. coli vaccination reduces bacteria populations, increases antibiotic susceptibility
- Cutting ionophore use could do more harm than good, veterinarians warn
- Lowering Salmonella load at processing requires company-wide effort initiated from the top
- Poulvac® ST cross-protects against different Salmonella serotypes
- Direct-fed microbials can impact Salmonella vaccine efficacy
- Free food safety booklet showcases poultry industry ideas for tackling Salmonella
- Reaction of poultry company customers to FSIS performance standards varied
- Salmonella control in hatchery, second processing require special attention
- Special Report: Reducing Salmonella, ensuring food safety in poultry production
- Right skills critical to managing increases in Salmonella, coccidiosis associated with cage-free egg production
- Poultry companies using variety of interventions to improve food safety
- Testing mixed control approaches important in controlling Salmonella in broilers
- Good gut health can help minimize Salmonella in broilers
- Now more than ever, vaccination is critical for managing Salmonella in layer flocks
- Studies in 32 million birds show returns on vaccinating broilers for E. coli
- Researchers decode clues to Salmonella Infantis control
- Treatment blend offers ‘exciting potential’ for Campylobacter control at processing
- USDA urged to give producers time to trial Campylobacter and Salmonella interventions
- Study: Live S. Typhimurium vaccine reduces S. Infantis colonization
- Mountaire Farms is first company to carry the One Health Certified label
- CDC report urges more vaccination against Salmonella
- Measuring effectiveness of on-farm interventions key to Salmonella control
- New USDA process-verified program, meat label to focus on responsible poultry, livestock care
- What more can live production do to reduce Salmonella in poultry?
- Salmonella’s sex life key to mitigating food safety risks
- US poultry industry shifting focus to Campylobacter, Salmonella Infantis
- Vaccinated birds shown to have lower incidence of Salmonella at processing
- Integrated plan with live production needed to meet new Salmonella standards
- Poultry producers facing higher hurdles with USDA food-safety standards
- Moving up: Vaccinating broilers may help poultry companies improve Salmonella ratings
- More than half of US broilers raised without antibiotics in 2018
- Lightening the load: Teamwork between live production, processing key to reducing foodborne pathogens in poultry
- New standards for foodborne pathogens expanding control programs to live production
- ‘Take a holistic approach’ to get the most from Salmonella vaccination
- Vaccination of broilers ‘quick and easy’ way to get Salmonella under control
- Refined carbs show promise as ‘sentinel’ for Salmonella control
- Modified-live vaccination reduced salmonellosis in Brazilian study
- C. perfringens on broiler meat can survive processing, potentially sicken consumers
- Is incentivized vaccination the answer to poultry’s public-health woes?
- Salmonella on carcass skin can contaminate ground turkey
- Three-pronged E. coli strategy to help cut losses, improve profitability
- Hofacre: There’s always room for improvement with Salmonella
- New rule, same baseline skews sampling for foodborne pathogens
- US broiler industry steadily reducing incidence of foodborne pathogens
- Reducing food-borne bacterial infections must be team effort
- Air quality affects S. Heidelberg colonization in broilers
- Teaming with poultry companies to ensure carcass quality and food safety
- Both organic, conventional processing reduce Campylobacter on carcasses
- New lasalocid MRLs relieve export restrictions for broilers
- Good communication key to protecting poultry parts during FSIS inspection
- Foster Farms’ vet shares tips for managing a food-safety crisis in the poultry industry
- NCC scientist: Food safety is everyone’s job
- S. enteritidis shedding more frequent among hens in conventional cages
- Coccidiosis, intestinal health and their relationship to pathogen loads of harvested broilers
- Meeting the new USDA/FSIS standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in poultry
- Salmonella prevention requires teamwork between production and processing
- FDA: Salmonella, antibiotic resistance declining in US poultry meat
- 80% of Americans wrongly believe chicken contains hormones, steroids
- Sanderson CEO gives three reasons for sticking with antibiotics
- Pathogens on farm and in processing related
- USDA proposes new measures to reduce Salmonella, Campylobacter
- CDC turns to Yelp for tracking reports of foodborne illness
- FDA finds positive and negative trends in antimicrobial resistance in bacteria isolated from humans, retail meats and food animals
- Isolation of Campylobacter from the circulating blood of broilers
- Regulatory expert urges poultry producers to document, document, document
- US Poultry Industry Responds to New Food Safety Proposal
- S. Heidelberg colonization reduced with in-feed treatment
- Rising issues with coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis
- USDA announces new inspection system for poultry products
- S. enteritidis frequency in eggs similar in conventional and enriched cage systems
- Reality check: Multidrug-resistant strains of Salmonella rare in humans
- CDC releases progress report on food safety
- Incentives missing in New Poultry Inspection System, says NCC’s Peterson
- CDC: Widespread use of antibiotics in hospitals is leading cause of resistance
- Organic raw poultry not necessarily safer
- Category: Global TOP NEWS
- Nutritionist: Understanding probiotics is key to managing them effectively in poultry
- Coccidiosis: An old problem with some new challenges
- HPAI pushes holiday turkey prices to record highs
- Five key points to consider when preparing to switch to in ovo vaccination
- PHT Perspectives captures highlights of timely poultry health discussions
- New insights for managing coccidiosis in broilers
- Tuning up live-vaccine priming for infectious bursal disease and reovirus
- With avian flu outbreaks, even the Easter bunny is hunting for eggs
- AL2 variants now account for more than half of IBDV field isolates in broilers
- Essential adjustments that improve IB vaccine efficacy in broilers
- Targeted adjuvants may improve recombinant ILT vaccination immune response
- Feed additive appears to benefit gut integrity in broilers with coccidiosis
- Five critical factors for in ovo vaccination success
- False layer syndrome in Canada due to DMV/1639
- Three keys to successful IBV control
- Hatcheries in NAE production systems can’t cut corners on cleaning, husbandry
- Two years of IBV sampling underlines importance of surveillance work
- Management of birds and environment reduce industry’s carbon footprint
- Tackling stress key to protecting birds from coryza resurgence, says expert
- E. coli vaccination in broilers: Is it worth the cost?
- False layer syndrome linked to early infectious bronchitis exposure
- Hatchery details key to maximizing chick performance, expert says
- Incubation key to preventing leg problems in turkey poults
- New vaccine simplifies IBDV vaccination; provides effective early pullet protection
- SPECIAL REPORT: Don’t let immunosuppressive diseases compromise broiler performance
- Training and management critical for cage-free egg production
- New Poulvac Maternavac® 4 vaccine formulated to address contemporary field challenge
- Controlling infectious bronchitis in broilers starts with breeder vaccination
- JAVMA report: Newcastle reemerges, spreads in California
- Managing anticoccidials: ‘It’s how you use them that’s important’
- E. coli vaccination yields bottom-line benefits on South African broiler farms
- Unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers tied to breeders
- Reductions in medically important antimicrobials reflect industry stewardship
- Coccidiosis vaccination impedes nutrient digestibility
- Trial shows glutamine aids gut health in broilers raised without antibiotics
- On the road again? Don’t forget Poultry Health Today podcasts
- Four areas of hatchery management to help achieve better biosecurity
- Aggressive vaccination of broiler breeders needed to keep reovirus in check
- Sanderson vet shares thoughts on managing elusive reovirus, other gut diseases
- Early exposure to Clostridium protects birds from necrotic enteritis
- Necrotic enteritis control helps reduce Salmonella colonization
- E. coli vaccination helps contain losses in broilers with IB infection
- It takes two: Coccidiosis vaccines effective against E. tenella after adequate cycling
- Halting in ovo vaccination not a good option for managing hatchery bacteria
- Trace minerals, used litter, coccidiosis control key to managing enteritis in NAE flocks
- Coccidiosis control: New strategies for a new era
- Early identification needed to protect broilers from reovirus
- Research focusing on new controls for coccidiosis, relationship with Salmonella
- Special Report: Nixing necrotic enteritis in broilers
- Special Report: What’s the future of ionophores in poultry?
- Is MS the next ‘big, bad Mycoplasma’ for US poultry?
- Vaccinating broilers against Salmonella can help reduce pathogen’s prevalence at processing
- Loose stools linked to blackhead disease transmission in turkeys
- On-farm Salmonella control helps prevent processing plant contamination
- ‘Turkeys are suffering’ without good control of coccidiosis
- Foregoing CAV breeder vaccination based on ELISA results can backfire
- Special Report: Managing the two toughest diseases of NAE production
- Seven misconceptions about IBD in broilers
- Special Report: E. coli more a threat with reduced antibiotic usage
- Can improper vaccination make IBV worse?
- How mutations, antigenic drift affect IBD management
- Why infectious bronchitis is so resilient — and what broiler companies can do about it
- E. coli vaccination reduces antibiotic use in broilers
- H9N2 could devastate America’s poultry industry
- Is feed a vector for avian influenza virus?
- Special Report: Stopping Salmonella
- Closing in on coccidiosis: How metagenomics can help
- Necrotic enteritis and age of litter: What’s the connection in broilers?
- Avian influenza viruses can persist in footbaths and manure
- Infectious bursal disease: ‘It’s never black and white’
- E. maxima linked to mortality in broilers vaccinated for coccidiosis
- Understanding the clinical picture key to effective IB control
- Protecting longer-life layers against infectious bronchitis
- Coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis challenge cage-free layer systems
- Poultry veterinarian named to AVMA Future Leaders program
- Infectious bronchitis: The ‘eye of the storm’ for chicken health
- MG in poultry: Often overlooked but still costly
- Vigilance key for limiting avian flu risk
- Poultry Health Today unveils new tools for saving content, creating custom reports
- ‘Old bug’ with new name easily mistaken for E. coli peritonitis
- Better accuracy, hatchability, protection seen in birds vaccinated with dual-needle system
- E. coli vaccine reduced colibacillosis lesions and mortality in turkeys
- Surveillance, careful vaccine selection tops “shoot-in-the-dark” strategy for IB control
- Latest edition of Poultry Health Today features in-depth report on antibiotic-free production trend
- Hens in enriched colony system appear more stressed, flighty
- Talking with customers about antibiotic use and other poultry-production practices
- Bill Gates leading drive to buy chicken flocks for impoverished families
- Necrotic enteritis in broilers: Disease or syndrome?
- IBD V877 vaccine can break through maternal antibodies
- Mountaire veterinarian discusses managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection
- Live E. coli, Salmonella vaccines remained effective when used together in challenge study
- Poultry Health Today launches mobile app
- ‘Vets on Call’ video series visits major US egg producer
- Avian flu back in spotlight with new cases in Indiana
- E. coli vaccine stable when rehydrated with diverse water types or combined with coccidiosis vaccine
- Three more broiler diseases you can manage with vaccination
- Fine-tuning rotation plan can improve coccidiosis management
- Sustainability: What on earth does it really mean? And how does it apply to poultry health?
- Sustainability: What does it mean to poultry health?
- Poultry vet urges poultry producers to guard against E. coli
- Media consultant: Let poultry vets tell the antibiotic story
- Defining, and demonstrating, sustainability in the poultry industry
- Broiler chicks show less tendon swelling, weight suppression in reovirus vaccine study
- Link between fishmeal, Eimeria and necrotic enteritis in broilers explored
- Doing a 180: A little education goes a long way toward changing customers’ attitudes about antibiotics
- Too busy for sustainability? Think again
- Category: Global TOPICS
- Reusing poultry litter may reduce antibiotic-resistant Salmonella
- Replication, coverage vary among MD vaccination programs for long-lived birds
- ‘Reverse genetics’ may offer new IBV vaccine targets
- Survey shows US poultry industry’s evolving yet flexible approach to coccidiosis management
- How to avoid performance drops when initiating coccidiosis vaccination
- Special Report: New insights for managing coccidiosis in broilers
- California surveillance reveals genetic and seasonal changes in infectious bronchitis virus
- UK researchers: Watch for emerging, more infectious strains of avian flu virus
- Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Indiana commercial turkey flock
- Ionophore status change would threaten bird health, sustainability, veterinarian warns
- Early IBV infections in layers can increase cysts associated with false layer syndrome
- 5 ways research aims to tackle poultry-sector challenges
- Cross-protection vaccine protocols key to limiting DMV/1639 spread in US flocks
- Pathways to protection: How one vaccine decision can affect options for managing other diseases in broilers
- Good gut health starts before hatch, expert says
- Z-CAS helping feed mills, producers get the most from medicated feed additives
- NCSU: Enterococcus co-infection makes colibacillosis deadlier in poultry
- New four-way broiler breeder vaccine builds on success of Maternavac name
- Free booklet recaps highlights of infectious bronchitis roundtable
- State-of-the-art recombinant Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND protects against Newcastle and Marek’s diseases
- Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND fully protects against Newcastle disease by 19 days of age
- Caution: Simple errors can derail IBV vaccine effectiveness
- German researchers: Poultry, pigs not susceptible to COVID-19
- Return of RofenAid® 40 gives turkey industry dependable tool for managing coccidiosis, fowl cholera
- Foster Farms: Community approach key to managing coryza spread in poultry
- Sanderson vet: Keeping up with variant reovirus strains remains challenging
- One Health Certified label seeks balanced approach to poultry production, marketing
- Moisture monitoring critical to improving bird health and welfare
- Avian pathogenic E. coli: Difficult to prevent and control
- ‘Let’s keep it up’: Maintaining the efficacy of Zoamix®
- Tips for ensuring best field vaccination results with Poulvac® ST or Poulvac® E. coli
- Sprinkler systems benefit animal welfare, reduce water use
- Zinc can help combat infectious bronchitis in poultry
- Focus on these 4 areas to ensure broiler chick success
- Focal duodenal necrosis in table-egg layers easily overlooked
- Zoetis Fast Tracking Relaunch of Avian Coryza Vaccine to Aid U.S. Disease Outbreaks
- Hatchery hygiene helps limit broiler E. coli mortality risk
- Navigating the maze of alternative products for necrotic enteritis control
- Novel technologies needed to combat IB in chickens
- Gizzard changes seen in NAE flocks but diagnosis is murky
- Mycoplasma synoviae demanding more attention as poultry industry grasps its full impact
- To manage IBDV, ‘let the bird tell you what to do’
- Selection of IBV GA 08 vaccine, proper administration can minimize reactions
- Can water treatments help reduce Salmonella levels before processing?
- Is genetics the key for lasting IBV immunity?
- Fresh approach to coccidiosis needed to tackle increase in broiler gut damage
- Heat stress may impair immune system in broilers
- Vaccination protects broilers from IBV despite exposure to moderate ammonia levels
- AAAP issues call for papers for 2019 conference
- SPECIAL REPORT – IBV: Managing a moving target
- Controlling coccidiosis helps prevent histomoniasis in broiler pullets
- Natural disease resistance could be bred into chickens, scientists say
- More amino acids, feed aid broiler chicks vaccinated for coccidiosis
- Gene technology has potential to multiply vaccine benefits
- Lack of medications, veterinarians hamper turkey industry
- 6 steps to increasing broiler feed intake
- Import restrictions enforced after avian flu outbreaks in Africa
- Clostridial dermatitis: Why is it so prevalent in turkeys?
- Site-specific biosecurity key to disease protection
- South African producers ‘unprepared’ for bird flu, expert says
- Deadly duo: Study shows link between E. maxima, Clostridium
- Immune-response research could yield new IB strategies for poultry
- Farmers told to ‘stick to guidelines’ for antibiotics as experts question conventional usage
- Livestock farming standards to get boost under antimicrobial-resistance plan
- Mobile app to help Egyptian poultry farmers control disease
- Superbug warning over India’s poultry antibiotics use
- Compartmentalization key to global avian flu control
- AI vaccination needed in China to prevent global pandemic, scientists say
- Broiler research reveals campylobacter treatment challenge
- Sanderson Farms vet drawing new battle lines against ILT
- Change diets to reduce dust and ammonia in cage-free systems
- Breeder E. coli vaccination boosts broiler health
- China urged to take tougher measures against avian flu
- Farm transparency key to improving views on intensive poultry production
- Optimizing diets could limit foot pad dermatitis outbreaks
- Experts warn of red mite risk thanks to avian flu
- Farm uses lasers to guard hens from avian influenza
- Vaccination helping to reduce mortality rates from E. coli in France’s layer flocks
- Could GM technology produce the next generation of poultry vaccines?
- Temperature and humidity key to healthy climate control
- Early feeding, housing may affect broiler response to immune challenges
- NCC to food industry and consumers: Go slow on slower-growing chickens
- FDA: Some antibiotics still OK for production purposes
- Survey correlates anticoccidial rotation with improved coccidiosis management
- EU could face further restrictions on antibiotic use in farm animals
- Newsletter identifies top 5 topics in food and agriculture
- Tyson Foods balancing antibiotic use, animal stewardship
- Wet litter, footpad dermatitis tied to reduced broiler performance
- Managing ILT: Traditional CEO vaccines still provide ‘best protection’
- Are ionophores antibiotics? That depends on whom you ask
- Complex broiler-vaccine decisions require expert advice
- Sanderson’s Phil Stayer: ‘Sustainability is really nothing new for poultry’
- Waste-heat recovery system could save millions annually while improving air quality
- Producing Grade A chicken starts in the broiler house
- New app improves cold-weather ventilation for poultry
- Flu panel examines US control efforts, impacts on trade
- Isolates implicate humans in rapid spread of HPAI
- Ammonia concentration versus ventilation rate
- What’s left if we lose antibiotics?
- Coccidiosis expert: Timing and combination of cocci control methods critical
- Analysis of antimicrobial data confirms human-animal link
- Coccidiosis: Why is it so difficult to manage?
- Research review: What’s new in poultry housing and equipment?
- Category: Gut Health
- E. coli implicated in layer gut disease
- Gut microbiota changes linked to E. coli vaccination may support gut health, broiler immune response
- ‘Causal’ pie chart can help manage necrotic enteritis
- Live-production management practices that help contain Salmonella
- Exploring the connection between hemorrhagic hepatopathy and inactivated vaccines used in broiler breeders
- BMD®: What’s its future in poultry?
- Two symposia on poultry enteric disease set stage for 2018 AAAP Conference
- More poultry research focusing on antibiotic alternatives
- Are there practical alternatives to ionophores?
- Managing ionophores and diets for best performance
- Broiler study shows challenges and potential of drug-free production
- Canada studies find no links between ionophores, resistance of other antibiotics
- Cost of necrotic enteritis grossly underestimated
- New coccidiosis-management initiative aims to reduce losses
- Ionophores look different to other scientists, too
- Ionophores: The price of elimination
- Omitting ionophores raises ethical conflicts for veterinarians
- High stocking density predisposes broilers to NE
- ‘Rotate smarter,’ says coccidiosis specialist
- Shrewd moves: Like a chess match, anticoccidial rotation is a game of strategy at Wayne Farms
- Potential link found between DDGS, necrotic enteritis in broilers
- Trade-offs needed in gangrenous dermatitis management
- Sericea lespedeza found ineffective for coccidiosis control in chickens
- It’s back: Zoamix® adds flexibility to rotation plans
- Let coccidiosis organisms ‘see something different’
- Poultry welfare – expectations and reality
- Coccidiosis specialist: ‘Understand’ the products you’re using
- Researchers find potential link between feeding DDGS and necrotic enteritis in broilers
- Cracked corn has positive effect in broilers
- Timing may affect accuracy of in ovo vaccination
- Coccidiosis: Why is it still so difficult to control?
- Intestinal health and necrotic enteritis in broilers
- Supplemental bacitracin reduces mortality, C. perfringens in broilers
- Poultry veterinarian shares ideas for managing coccidiosis more effectively, economically, sustainably
- Rotecc™ coccidiosis management video
- Using antibiotics to improve flock performance
- Methods of diagnosing enteric disease clarified
- Category: Hatchery
- How to ensure successful installation of in ovo technology
- Zoetis Expands Poultry Portfolio with Poulvac® Procerta® HVT-IBD-ND
- Catching problems in layer vaccination — and making them right
- As seasons change, hatchery ventilation is key chick-quality concern
- Study: Larger particles in starter feed lead to better performance
- Seasonal management in hatchery critical to improving chick viability
- Dirty chick boxes can be source of Salmonella at hatcheries
- Lameness in poultry can start in the hatchery
- Economic benefits of early chick placement
- Category: Infectious Diseases
- Focus on the details to ensure ILT vaccination success
- Interaction of modified-live and recombinant vaccines shows potential against viral diseases
- Serotype, presentation of IBH differ in large and small birds
- AVMA releases first-ever guidelines for depopulation of animals
- New flock-management trends call for new E. coli-management strategies, vets say
- Avian influenza in the US: High-path, low-path and its link to other poultry diseases
- Inexperience leads to disaster in small specialty poultry flock
- Research: Highly pathogenic AI does not persist in wild birds
- Early SE infection likely to stay with broilers until market age
- E. coli infection: Two types in broilers
- Modified-live E. coli vaccine found safe, effective for water administration to chickens
- Study shows value of E. coli vaccine in chickens
- Managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection
- Taking a holistic approach to poultry health
- Shift and drift affect broiler vaccination decisions
- Eight ways to protect your farm from avian flu this fall
- British vets question health, welfare of free-range chickens
- Administration of a Salmonella Enteritidis to newly hatched broilers reduces colonisation and shedding of a Salmonella Enteritidis challenge strain
- Animal antibiotic study launched by Colorado State University
- Poultry vet offers tips for managing vaccination programs for infectious bursal disease (IBD)
- The changing face of reovirus in poultry
- Infectious bronchitis constantly evolving making it a tough target
- APHIS veterinarian provides latest update on avian influenza
- Poultry disease identification made easier with test alteration
- Field trials show practical, economic benefits of E. coli vaccine in broilers
- Kinky back takes costly toll on broilers at 4 to 6 weeks
- Zoetis receives full license for Georgia 08 IB vaccine
- Increased CVI988 vaccine use credited with decline in Marek’s disease
- Single dose of Poulvac IBMM+Ark protects long-lived broilers for at least 9 weeks
- Better protection shown with recommended Marek’s disease vaccine dose in two genetic lines
- Category: ippe2015- Dateline Atlanta
- Category: ippe2015- Highlights from our latest issue
- Category: ippe2015- Interviews with experts
- What’s causing ‘woody breast’ in poultry?
- Salmonella and coccidiosis: Is there a connection?
- Poultry research showcased at SCAD: students shine
- 230 billion eggs vaccinated — and billions more to go
- Avian influenza report from California underscores importance of biosecurity
- Attracting new blood to poultry health
- Sustainability: ‘It’s about continuous improvement’
- Infectious bronchitis: A moving target
- Category: ippe2016 - Highlights from our latest issue
- Category: ippe2016- Dateline Atlanta
- Understanding the role of the poultry sector in antibiotic resistance
- Fowl typhoid can become a multi-bacterial disease in poultry
- Nutrient Management Planning videos developed by USPOULTRY
- More than 20 poultry experts to visit Poultry Health Today news desk at IPPE
- IPPE: Say thanks to Atlanta with donations to community food bank
- Category: ippe2016- Interviews with experts
- Category: IPPE2017
- Category: Members Only
- Category: Mobile Only
- Category: News
- Study examines game camera use on poultry farm for biosecurity
- ‘Winging it’ on Super Bowl Sunday? Remember who made it possible
- Zoetis expands vector vaccine portfolio with introduction of Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-IBD
- Poultry experts cite frustration with infectious bronchitis variants
- DMV/1639 now the focus of many IBV control programs in US flocks
- Day 4 SPECIAL REPORT: News reports and interviews from IPPE
- Day 3 SPECIAL REPORT: News reports and interviews from IPPE
- Day 2 SPECIAL REPORT: News reports and interviews from IPPE
- More than 35 poultry-health experts at IPPE to be interviewed on camera by Poultry Health Today
- Day 1 SPECIAL REPORT: News reports and interviews from IPPE
- Zoetis further expands poultry portfolio with vectored vaccine for Newcastle and Marek’s diseases
- Poultry Health Today launches Zoetis News Center
- New Poultry Vaccine from Zoetis Helps Build Strong Immune Foundation in Breeder Hens and Their Progeny
- Poultry Health Today marks 5th year with more than two dozen video interviews, session coverage at IPPE
- SPECIAL REPORT: News reports and interviews from IPSF
- Football-crazed Americans to eat more than 1.3 billion wings for Super Bowl
- PROHEALTH to Present Sustainable Solutions for Broiler Health at VIV Europe 2018
- Poultry Health Today lines up video interviews with leading poultry experts at IPPE
- 44 million ‘respectable’ birds on the menu this Thanksgiving
- Sanderson Farms targets ‘marketing gimmicks’ about antibiotics
- Windrowing litter can reduce pressure from poultry viruses, insects and bacteria
- Accessibility is key when storing VFDs at integrated companies
- Interpreting the language of the new VFD rule
- Addressing consumers’ misconceptions about antibiotic use in poultry
- Integrated poultry companies can store VFDs in one place
- New FDA guidelines: Rating an animal antibiotic’s importance to humans
- Still confused about VFDs? Panel brings clarity to new rules
- Changes ahead: Everything you need to know about the new guidelines for oral antimicrobials
- Candid camera: Undercover videos on rise in poultry industry
- Can we learn from Denmark?
- Vets treat chickens to prevent foodborne illness
- Poultry vets are latest focus of popular YouTube series
- Judicious drug use: The good, the bad and the ugly
- FDA Releases Biannual Progress Report on Judicious Use of Antimicrobials in Food-producing Animals
- Prevention claims essential for ensuring flock health, welfare
- FDA issues rule requiring veterinary supervision of medically important antimicrobials
- Poultry vet reviews nuts and bolts of FDA’s new antimicrobial guidelines
- Walmart, Sam’s Club announce new animal welfare, antibiotic positions
- Experience with GA 08 provides valuable information about IBV variants in poultry
- Leading welfare, food-safety groups urge chicken Industry to reduce antibiotics responsibly
- White House forum targets antibiotic resistance, promotes responsible use in farm animals
- AAAP-AVMA antimicrobial guidelines stress good management, judicious use
- Facing poultry’s consumer trust challenge
- Being more transparent: Media experts offer tips to poultry companies
- Media specialist: ‘Get on the same message’ with poultry antibiotics, other topics
- Food industry consultant urges poultry industry to engage, educate customers through social media
- Five ways to put sustainability into action today
- Author of California bill defends using antibiotics to prevent disease
- Temperature of drinking water may affect bodyweight during brooding
- Making sense of poultry labels
- Editorial: Never say never
- New FDA antibiotic guidelines: What’s a VFD?
- New FDA antibiotic guidelines: Why comply?
- Feeling misunderstood? Vet urges producers to take action
- Should antibiotics be used to prevent disease in poultry?
- Reality check: Oft-cited antibiotic-usage figure mixes numbers from two reports
- Reality check: 87% of antibiotics used in animals rarely used in human medicine
- Antibiotic resistance revisited in recent media reports
- Editorial: ‘To health!’
- Impact of lighting types on broiler performance
- FDA issues update on antibiotic guidelines
- Remembering (and channeling) Dr. Scott Hurd
- Five federal bills seek to curb on-farm antibiotic use
- New studies examine effects of lighting on chickens
- Category: PHT GLOBAL
- SPECIAL REPORT, Day 2: News reports and interviews from IPSF
- SPECIAL REPORT, Day 1: News reports and interviews from IPSF
- Robust challenge studies demonstrate efficacy of new recombinant vector vaccine for IBDVs
- SPECIAL REPORT, Day 3: News reports and interviews from AAAP
- SPECIAL REPORT, Day 2: News reports and interviews from AAAP
- SPECIAL REPORT, Day 1: News reports and interviews from AAAP
- Adapt feeding programs to reduce summer heat stress
- Global measures to tackling avian influenza
- No simple answer to laying hen sustainability, scientists say
- Yeast protein could help tackle China’s Avian ‘Flu problem’
- Registration now open for 2018 AAAP Conference
- Easy mistakes to avoid when managing respiratory disease in poultry
- AAAP issues call for papers for 2018 conference in Denver
- Five-year plan launched to limit Hong Kong’s poultry antibiotic use
- China launches national plan to tackle antimicrobial resistance
- In ovo feeding predicted to drive genetic potential of birds in future
- AAAP premieres video at 60th annual conference
- Rainwater harvesting helps poultry farms reduce water dependency, save money
- Poultry disease specialists from more than 25 countries to gather in Indianapolis for 60th AAAP Conference
- Farm transparency key to improving views on intensive poultry production
- Broiler immunity develops too little, too late to fight campylobacter
- It’s official: FDA implements GFI #213, paving way for new VFD rules
- More light at night reduces daytime heat stress in broilers
- What is the carbon footprint of your poultry farm?
- Surprise bacterium linked to lameness in broilers
- How sweet it is: Maple syrup aids antibiotic performance
- Webinar to examine new VFD rules for poultry, livestock
- Frequent Application of Litter Amendments in Broiler Houses During Grow-out on Bird Health, Production and Environment
- Memorable quotes and figures from the world of poultry health
- Sustainability ‘most highly discussed topic’ in poultry industry
- Breakthrough in coccidiosis research at Royal Veterinary College
- Feed management for layers in enriched colonies
- Antibiotics in livestock and poultry production
- Bone characteristics and femoral strength in commercial tom turkeys
- FDA reports positive trends in antimicrobial resistance
- Campylobacter research reveals potential for poultry vaccine
- Poultry disease prevention checklist
- Sustainability tops list of poultry topics during first half of 2014
- New studies examine effects of lighting on chickens
- Getting the best results from veterinary histopathology*
- ‘Socially responsible’ food production stirs debate
- Defining wholesomeness
- Transparency or exaggeration?
- Category: PHT US
- How in ovo technology has changed the face of poultry health and production
- Avatec®: What’s driving demand in broilers?
- Looming crisis for poultry: Finding and funding veterinarians
- Organic poultry consumers should understand disease-control challenges
- Can sensors offer real-time disease detection?
- Judicious antibiotic use key to animal and food health
- VFD compliance: FDA’s animal-feed director says agency’s focus is on education, not penalties, during first year
- Biosecurity key to combating US avian flu threat
- Want the recipe for a VFD? Here are 14 key ingredients
- Documenting diagnoses: What are FDA’s expectations for VFD medications?
- You’ve got mail: Know the differences between VFD distributor, acknowledgement letters
- New antibiotic regulations drive feed changes
- How often do poultry vets need to visit farms to meet new VFD criteria?
- VFD requirements for feed mills: Not as simple as A, B, C
- The inspector’s here: What to expect from a VFD audit
- Memorable quotes and figures from the world of poultry health
- FDA defers to vet’s ‘clinical judgement’ to link health problems to VFD product’s indications
- Producer response to loss of antibiotics assessed in survey
- USDA/APHIS launches VFD training module for health professionals
- Get to know the ins and outs of the new veterinary feed directive
- FDA vet offers guidelines for managing VFDs in integrated poultry operations
- FDA vet offers guidance for syncing indications of mature VFD medications to today’s health problems
- Laboratory vs. clinical diagnosis: Which is needed for a VFD?
- Making the transition: Tips for managing medicated feed through the Jan. 1 VFD deadline
- Q&A: Tips for complying with the updated VFD rule
- Q&A: What’s behind FDA’s updated veterinary feed directive?
- Skunks, rabbits can indirectly transmit AI viruses, government research indicates
- FDA to require species-specific sales data on antibiotics used in food animals
- Antibiotic-resistant genes found in environment but not in food
- NCC glossary brings clarity to chicken labeling
- Antibiotics in poultry requires ethical dialogue
- Temperature, relative humidity, bird size affect broiler-house ventilation
- Avian flu cases in US expected to decline with warmer temperatures
- Avian influenza expected across entire US for fall
- New tool helps identify Salmonella serotypes
- Guidelines at a glance
- Action on antibiotics
- Farmer voice matters in building consumer trust
- Reduce odor from manure with free online tool
- New vet oversight rules will affect more than half antimicrobials sold
- Facing poultry’s consumer trust challenge
- New antibiotic initiatives spark more debate in Washington
- Layers 2013 Part 1: Reference of health and management practices on table-egg farms in the United States, 2013
- USDA announces new inspection system for poultry products
- Five reasons for the poultry industry not to be transparent
- Activist groups defeated in attempts to curb antibiotic use
- ‘Organic’ labels for poultry, other foods challenged in recent news reports
- ‘Influence Feed’ now featured on Poultry Health Today
- Numbers, figures and the fine print
- Welcome to Influence Feed
- Specialists discuss impact of new FDA guidelines
- Veterinarians define judicious antibiotic use in poultry
- Category: Podcast
- Category: Research
- Category: Respiratory
- Category: Sustainability
- Category: TOP NEWS
- Category: TOPICS
- Category: Uncategorized
- World’s poultry health experts flock to Denver for 61st AAAP conference
- Location, location, location: How FDA defines ‘premises’
- VFD Count Down
- New 7-minute video from FDA details new VFD rule
- Less than 30 days and counting before new VFD rules take effect
- Sneak peek: Case history of an FDA VFD inspection
- FDA issues final guidelines for VFD forms
- Veterinarians can test drive VFD process by issuing a ‘VFR’
- Selfies and other images not proof of VCPR
- FDA’s strategy for VFD enforcement: Education first
- Q&A: Tips for complying with the updated VFD rule
- Q&A: What’s behind FDA’s updated veterinary feed directive?
- What if it takes more than one feed mill to complete a VFD order?
- FDA lists two principles for “judicious” antimicrobial use
- Want to use a VFD medication in a combination? Better check with your vet first
- Updated VFD rule may help producers save money
- Necrotic enteritis: Can it be managed effectively in NAE flocks?
- Plans in the works for updating labels on existing feed affected by VFD
- Feed distributors won’t need to provide VFD or letter to acquire Type A medications
- Electronic systems expected to simply VFD process
- Resistance will continue despite new rules, professor predicts
- How FDA will measure success of new VFD rule
- Vet’s license information not required on VFDs
- New VFD rule actually requires minimal review time, FDA says
- Four steps poultry companies should take now to prepare for new VFD regulations
- Responsible use of antibiotics: Understanding the veterinary feed directive
- Veterinary Feed Directive: Distributor Requirements 2015
- Letters of the law: VFD, Rx and OTC
- Changes ahead: Everything you need to know about the new guidelines for oral antimicrobials
- Give agriculture the ‘steering wheel’ for data collection
- VCPR: Should poultry vets follow state or federal guidelines when issuing VFDs?
- Medically Important Antimicrobials in Animal Agriculture
- Veterinary Feed Directive Q&A
- Veterinary Feed Directive: Plan for a Successful Transition
- Veterinary Feed Directive: Requirements for Veterinarians 2015
- Veterinary Feed Directive: Producer Requirements 2015
- Editorial: Ignoring the 800-pound gorilla
- Category: Videos
- Campylobacter control – Part 1: Still much to learn about Campylobacter
- Campylobacter control – Part 2: Research on controlling Campylobacter
- Campylobacter control – Part 3: Practical considerations for controlling Campylobacter
- Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 1: Two principles of biosecurity
- Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 2: Communication is key
- Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 3: Transportation biosecurity
- Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 4: Hospital technology to the rescue
- Category: Interviews
- Category: Zoetis News Center
VFD Quizes
- Do veterinarians need a laboratory diagnosis before writing a VFD?
- Is there a specific way FDA wants veterinarians to document a clinical diagnosis before writing a VFD?
- How can veterinarians be prepared for a VFD-compliance inspection?
- How can feed mills best be prepared for VFD-inspection?
- How can producers best be prepared for an FDA VFD-inspection?
- What’s the purpose of the notification letter distributors must send FDA if they’re selling Type B or C feed containing a VFD?
- How often does a distributor selling Type B or C feed with a VFD drug have to notify FDA?
- Are producers manufacturing their own feed for use on their own farms considered distributors?
- If one feed mill produces VFD feed going to multiple farms owned by the same company, are multiple VFDs needed?
- In large operations with more than one feed mill, are separate VFDs needed to cover VFD feed from each mill?
- What’s an acknowledgement letter?
- What’s the purpose of an acknowledgement letter sent from one distributor to another?
- How long do distributors have to retain acknowledgement letters?
- Do distributors have to obtain an acknowledgement letter for every shipment of VFD feed?
- Can feed mills order and inventory a VFD drug without having a VFD from a veterinarian?
- Can integrated poultry companies keep one copy of each VFD since they represent the producer, feed mill and veterinarian?
- Where should integrated poultry companies keep VFDs if they keep hard copies only?
- How often is a poultry veterinarian expected to visit a farm to establish and maintain a vet-client-patient relationship?
- Will all-in feed antibiotics require a VFD?
- Under the new rules, can any in-feed antibiotics for poultry still be used to improve feed efficiency and weight gain?
- Do producers need to submit a copy of every VFD to FDA?
- Does the new VFD rule affect how over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotics are regulated?
- Is a VFD the same as a prescription?
- Is the feed mill responsible for ensuring that a VFD is valid?
- Are VFD educational materials available in Spanish?
- If there are flocks at multiple locations, are separate VFD forms needed for each location?
- Do VFD forms have to specify the feed mill?
- How should leftover feed mixed with VFD medications be handled?
- I have more questions about the VFD that are specific to my situation. Where can I turn?
- Does a feed mill need to be in either the same state as birds receiving a VFD medication or the veterinarian issuing the VFD?
- Does the new VFD rule affect medications produced abroad?
- I only want to use the medication to improve growth and feed conversion, not to manage disease. Is a VFD still required?
- How do I know whether the state or federal VCPR definition applies regarding VFDs in my state?
- Who is responsible for sending VFDs to the poultry producer and feed mill?
- Will FDA conduct inspections to ensure compliance with the VFD rule?
- Are refills permitted for a VFD drug?
- Can any veterinarian issue a VFD?
- In what form should VFDs be issued?
- Can a veterinarian send a text or email approving a drug and follow up later with a VFD?
- In the interest of time, can a VFD be issued verbally?
- Can VFDs be issued for purposes that are not on a product’s label?
- What happens if a VFD expires before the medication’s recommended duration of use?
- On the VFD form, what’s the difference between a medication’s “duration of use” and “expiration date”?
- Is the VFD’s date of expiration the calendar date or the number of days a VFD drug should be used?
- What happens to veterinarians who do not comply with the VFD rule?
- How long do VFDs have to be retained?
- What is a “combination VFD”?
- Who determines whether a drug is a VFD, a prescription (Rx) or an over-the-counter (OTC) drug?
- What poultry feed medications will not require a VFD?
- Will all feed medications for poultry require a VFD?
- Are producers responsible for providing a copy of the VFD order to the feed mill?
- How will I know which medications require a VFD?
- Will the use of medically important antibiotics in water require a VFD?
- What does “approximate number of animals” mean on the VFD form?
- Can feed manufacturers use generic substitutions for brand-name veterinary feed directive drugs?
- Where can I find examples of a VFD form?
- Can a VFD be filled if the VFD form isn’t completed?
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