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... Industry trendwatcher offers insights on future of antibiotic-free poultry production

Industry trendwatcher and analyst Greg Rennier, PhD, recently sat down with Poultry Health Today to share his thoughts on antibiotic-free production and where the poultry industry is heading in 2017...

... Poultry veterinarians facing new challenges with NAE trend, food safety guidelines

The NAE production movement has helped reduce antibiotic use in poultry for good reason, but veterinarians need to make sure the pendulum doesn’t swing so far they have no antibiotics left to...

... Infectious bronchitis: The ‘eye of the storm’ for chicken health

Ask any poultry producer about the most economically important disease in broilers, breeders or layers. Infectious bronchitis (IB) almost always tops the list and could best be described as the...

... Both organic, conventional processing reduce Campylobacter on carcasses

Both conventional and organic processing methods reduced Campylobacter on broiler carcasses in a recent study by Purdue University. Matthew Bailey, a grad student at the university, discussed the...

... Hatchery expert offers tips for fighting bacteria, improving biosecurity

With more US poultry companies reducing or eliminating antibiotic use in the hatchery, poultry companies need to make an even greater effort to guard against costly bacterial infections.

... Poultry Health Today lines up video interviews with more than 30 poultry experts at IPPE

More than 30 poultry-health experts and trend watchers will be interviewed on camera over the next three days as part of Poultry Health Today’s news coverage of the 2017 International Production...

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