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... Survey shows US poultry industry’s evolving yet flexible approach to coccidiosis management

After years of being an afterthought in many broiler-production schemes, coccidiosis vaccines have become the cornerstone for many control programs.

... US poultry producers commit to limiting antibiotics despite production slip

The number of birds in the US broiler industry raised without antibiotics slipped six points to 52% in 2020, according to the latest industry figures, exclusive to Poultry Health Today.

... Nearly 60% of US broilers now raised without antibiotics, but that number may have peaked

Nearly six in 10 US broilers were raised without antibiotics of any type in 2019 — but that number may have peaked.

... More than half of US broilers raised without antibiotics in 2018

Broilers raised without antibiotics accounted for 51% of total US production in 2018 — an 11-point jump from the previous year and, more significantly, up from 3% in 2014.

... Industry trendwatcher offers insights on future of antibiotic-free poultry production

Industry trendwatcher and analyst Greg Rennier, PhD, recently sat down with Poultry Health Today to share his thoughts on antibiotic-free production and where the poultry industry is heading in 2017...

... Rennier: NAE programs represented 40% of US broiler feeds in 2017

Chickens raised without antibiotics of any type consumed 40% of the broiler feed produced un the US in 2017, according to Greg Rennier, PhD, president of Rennier Associates Inc.

... While new data show growth for NAE production, responsible antibiotic usage still holding its own

One in 5 tons of broiler feed produced by US poultry companies in 2016 was ticketed for “no antibiotics ever” programs — up nearly 67% from 2015 and nearly a seven-fold increase since 2014.

... Fast growth seen for ABF poultry production, but for how long?

To see how the antibiotic-free (ABF) production trend is playing out with producers’ plans, Poultry Health Today turned to Greg Rennier, PhD, a poultry-market research specialist who tracks product...

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