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Category : Respiratory

December 15, 2022

How effective IBV surveillance can prevent ‘overvaccination’

Consistent surveillance and analysis of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) at poultry production facilities can guard against “overvaccination” — where too ...
July 26, 2022

Why ‘vaccinated’ chickens still get infected with IBV — and what to do about it

While many vaccines and vaccination programs effectively protect against the highly contagious infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in poultry, outbreaks of ...
December 22, 2021

Early infectious bronchitis virus infection causes more severe false layer syndrome

Exposure to infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) has been linked with cases of the poultry reproductive disease false layer syndrome,1 where ...
December 5, 2021

Essential adjustments that improve IB vaccine efficacy in broilers

A few essential adjustments in the way infectious bronchitis vaccines are handled and administered at the hatchery can improve vaccine ...
September 9, 2021

Periodic IBV PCR testing is key to ensuring vaccination efficacy

Complexes should regularly evaluate the infectious bronchitis viruses (IBV) prevalent on their farms to help determine which vaccines can provide ...
August 3, 2021

Two years of IBV sampling underlines importance of surveillance work

Large-scale collection of samples from producers across the southern US is helping shed new light on infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) ...
June 2, 2021

Tackling stress key to protecting birds from coryza resurgence, says expert

Limiting stress in broiler flocks is key to preventing birds from succumbing to an infectious respiratory disease which is showing ...
July 6, 2020

Surveillance of circulating IBV types essential for disease control

Surveillance aimed at pinpointing the type of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) that’s circulating in poultry flocks is essential to control ...
April 9, 2020

Foster Farms: Community approach key to managing coryza spread in poultry

Tackling endemic poultry diseases as a community rather than as individual producers can play an important role in controlling and ...
October 7, 2019

Sentinel broilers, PCR testing help isolate, identify evolving IBV populations in Arkansas

How do you look for new serotypes of a virus that might be circulating in an area? Sentinel birds are ...
May 8, 2019

Virulent ND in California sending wake-up call to US poultry industry

Outbreaks of virulent Newcastle disease (vND) that have spread from backyard to commercial flocks in California are providing a wake-up ...
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April 9, 2019

Advanced diagnostic tests helping identify IBV in Europe

The QX strain of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) remains the most common variant of IBV in Europe, but the prevalence ...
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Genomic sequencing could aid ILT control efforts in poultry

Molecular virology is already leading to discoveries that will improve management of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), according to Stephen Spatz, PhD, ...
March 27, 2019

Novel technologies needed to combat IB in chickens

Despite decades of vaccination, the world poultry industry’s ongoing battle with infectious bronchitis (IB) continues to rage and points to ...
February 27, 2019

Mycoplasma synoviae demanding more attention as poultry industry grasps its full impact

Emerging, variant strains of Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) are causing eggshell apex abnormalities as well as production drops in both layer ...
January 16, 2019

E. coli vaccination helps contain losses in broilers with IB infection

Field experience with infectious bronchitis (IB) in broilers during a harsh winter demonstrated that vaccination for secondary Escherichia coli infection ...
December 3, 2018

Is genetics the key for lasting IBV immunity?

Manipulating the immune response may be one way infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is controlled in the future, predict researchers studying ...
November 5, 2018

Consistency, follow-up key to controlling IBV

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a “moving target” and trying to keep ahead of it requires consistency and follow-up, Sjaak ...
November 1, 2018

Biosecurity, disinfection, downtime keys to better ILT control

Strict biosecurity is the best defense against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in broiler flocks, advises Maricarmen García, PhD, a professor at ...
October 21, 2018

Vaccination protects broilers from IBV despite exposure to moderate ammonia levels

Properly vaccinated commercial broilers are protected from an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) challenge despite exposure to moderate ammonia levels, according ...
June 20, 2018

Is MS the next ‘big, bad Mycoplasma’ for US poultry?

The US poultry industry is reporting more problems with virulent Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), Naola Ferguson, DVM, associate professor at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today. MS causes upper-respiratory disease, leg problems, liver ...
February 16, 2018

Why infectious bronchitis is so resilient — and what broiler companies can do about it

Control of infectious bronchitis (IB) requires good biosecurity, good management and rigorous administration of a vaccine that matches the circulating ...
February 6, 2018

H9N2 could devastate America’s poultry industry

H9N2, a low-pathogenic avian influenza virus common in parts of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, would be difficult ...
December 21, 2017

Easy mistakes to avoid when managing respiratory disease in poultry

A methodical approach to managing respiratory disease in poultry can help veterinarians avoid misinterpreting data and making mistakes, according to ...
November 14, 2017

Immune-response research could yield new IB strategies for poultry

Research into the immune response of chickens could help lead to strategies that enable chickens to resist infectious bronchitis (IB), ...
July 20, 2017

Sanderson Farms vet drawing new battle lines against ILT

Sanderson Farms growers have been asked to stop driving their farm trucks off the farm to help prevent outbreaks of ...
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July 19, 2017

Infectious bronchitis: The ‘eye of the storm’ for chicken health

Ask any poultry producer about the most economically important disease in broilers, breeders or layers. Infectious bronchitis (IB) almost always tops ...
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July 11, 2017

MG in poultry: Often overlooked but still costly

The incidence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum is currently low in broiler and broiler breeder flocks thanks to decades of effort by ...
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