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Category : Condemnations

September 8, 2022

USDA evaluating Salmonella-reduction steps along the poultry supply chain

More than 1 million cases of US foodborne illnesses are caused by Salmonella each year, and even though the poultry ...
February 24, 2021

Histopathology helping poultry plants use science to defend carcasses, minimize condemnations

Most people in live poultry production haven’t spent a lot of time reading about histopathology.  Still, veterinarians who specialize in ...
August 13, 2020

New avian leukosis rule expected to reduce waste, improve efficiency for processing plants and FSIS

Acceptance of a petition designating avian leukosis lesions on poultry carcasses as a trimmable condition is expected to reduce waste ...
March 11, 2020

Prestage Farms veterinarian: Processing chain communication critical to identify health issues early, reduce turkey condemnations

Developing good relationships across the processing chain can be critical in helping to identify and overcome issues on farm and ...
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