Antibiotic-free, Biosecurity, Global TOP NEWS, Hatchery, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Automation key to ensuring sanitation in ‘no antibiotics ever’ systems
Dec 25, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Automation key to ensuring sanitation in ‘no antibiotics ever’ systems
Labor shortages in hatcheries mean that to ensure appropriate levels of sanitation in “no antibiotics ever” production, wholesale automation is likely to be required.
Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Food Safety, Global TOP NEWS, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Live-vaccine program a ‘must have’ to deal with cage-free E. coli challenge
Oct 10, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Live-vaccine program a ‘must have’ to deal with cage-free E. coli challenge
A higher risk of bacterial challenges in cage-free egg production means a live-vaccination program against Escherichia coli is a “must-have minimum” for flocks reared in alternative systems.
Best-management practices key to successful NAE broiler production
Sep 15, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Best-management practices key to successful NAE broiler production
With many poultry operations switching to no-antibiotics-ever (NAE) production, management and disease control have become even more critical components.
US poultry producers commit to limiting antibiotics despite production slip
Apr 06, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on US poultry producers commit to limiting antibiotics despite production slip
The number of birds in the US broiler industry raised without antibiotics slipped six points to 52% in 2020, according to the latest industry figures, exclusive to Poultry Health Today.
Shift to cage-free egg production prompts need to revise health and management plans
Oct 28, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Shift to cage-free egg production prompts need to revise health and management plans
Vaccinations and other preventative health measures are more critical than ever as the US egg industry shifts toward cage-free and no-antibiotics-ever production.
Hatchery tips for successful transition to NAE production
Sep 16, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Hatchery tips for successful transition to NAE production
Preventing birds from getting sick is perhaps the biggest challenge encountered when transitioning from conventional to “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) production.
Antibiotic-free, Biosecurity, Food Safety, Global TOP NEWS, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Research, TOP NEWS, Videos
Better management, biosecurity could mean lower Salmonella levels in NAE farms
Jul 03, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Better management, biosecurity could mean lower Salmonella levels in NAE farms
New research has suggested that Salmonella levels in no-antibiotics-ever (NAE) poultry systems could be lower than those on conventional broiler farms.
Good management and biosecurity vital to overcoming disease challenges in NAE systems
Jun 02, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Good management and biosecurity vital to overcoming disease challenges in NAE systems
Getting back to basics with bird and house management is key to overcoming coccidiosis and other health issues affecting producers using NAE systems.
Coccidiosis in conventional flocks presenting a significant challenge
Dec 07, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Coccidiosis in conventional flocks presenting a significant challenge
A shift in microbiology could be responsible for a surge in coccidiosis problems being seen in conventional US broiler and pullets flocks, according to Pilgrim's DVM Suzanne Dougherty.
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Gut Health, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Research, TOP NEWS, Videos
Glutamine supplement shows promise in reducing necrotic enteritis
Oct 26, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Glutamine supplement shows promise in reducing necrotic enteritis
Supplementing poultry diets with glutamine could help reduce the severity of necrotic enteritis (NE), according to researchers.
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Hatchery, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Chick quality vital to no-antibiotics-ever success, consultant says
Aug 20, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Chick quality vital to no-antibiotics-ever success, consultant says
Focusing on chick quality from the moment eggs enter the incubator is critical to ensuring birds have the best chance of being healthy and productive in no-antibiotics-ever (NAE) systems.
NAE production uncovers water quality challenges
Aug 13, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on NAE production uncovers water quality challenges
By Tom Tabler, PhD, Extension Professor, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Poultry Science Department, Mississippi State, Mississippi
Intestinal health in the era of NAE
Aug 13, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Intestinal health in the era of NAE
By Tom Tabler, PhD, Extension Professor, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Poultry Science Department, Mississippi State, Mississippi
Antibiotics and the poultry industry: What’s next?
Aug 12, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Antibiotics and the poultry industry: What’s next?
Nearly 6 in 10 broiler chickens in the US are now raised without antibiotics. Is this all-or-nothing strategy necessarily a good trend? And what precautions need to be taken?
NAE production: Helping contract growers navigate maze of new challenges
Jun 11, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on NAE production: Helping contract growers navigate maze of new challenges
By Tom Tabler, PhD, Extension Professor, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Poultry Science Department Mississippi State, Mississippi
Nearly 60% of US broilers now raised without antibiotics, but that number may have peaked
May 04, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Nearly 60% of US broilers now raised without antibiotics, but that number may have peaked
Nearly six in 10 US broilers were raised without antibiotics of any type in 2019 — but that number may have peaked.
Good flock management key to managing Mycoplasma synoviae resurgence
Apr 02, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Good flock management key to managing Mycoplasma synoviae resurgence
Broiler producers need to take a fresh look at housing conditions and bird management to help counter the resurgence of Mycoplasma synoviae linked to an increase in raised without antibiotics (RWA)...
Decisions, decisions: Which gut health strategies should be used when?
Feb 17, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Decisions, decisions: Which gut health strategies should be used when?
As the poultry industry moves to limit antibiotic use, alternative measures to support gut health are now common practice, but more guidance is needed with respect to which strategies to use under...
Ensuring strong immunity key to successful ‘no antibiotics ever’ broiler production
Nov 01, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Ensuring strong immunity key to successful ‘no antibiotics ever’ broiler production
Producers raising broilers with no or fewer antibiotics need to pay more attention to diseases that can compromise flock immunity and make birds more susceptible to primary and secondary...
Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Global TOPICS, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOPICS, Videos
Coccidiosis control: Keys to success with a bioshuttle program
Oct 20, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Coccidiosis control: Keys to success with a bioshuttle program
Resistance is unlikely to be a problem in coccidiosis bioshuttle programs, Greg Mathis, PhD, Southern Poultry Research, told Poultry Health Today.
Necrotic enteritis control requires multi-pronged approach in RWA systems
Oct 17, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Necrotic enteritis control requires multi-pronged approach in RWA systems
Feeding higher levels of copper and zinc in the diet, managing litter moisture and controlling coccidiosis are keys to stopping necrotic enteritis (NE) in poultry raised without antibiotics (RWA),...
Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Global TOPICS, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Videos
Helping contract growers’ transition to no-antibiotics-ever broiler production
Sep 29, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Helping contract growers’ transition to no-antibiotics-ever broiler production
Successful transition from conventional to no-antibiotics-ever (NAE) broiler production requires awareness of all the changes needed and lots of advance planning.
Report: US poultry producers slash use of medically important antimicrobials while shifting focus to disease prevention
Aug 08, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Report: US poultry producers slash use of medically important antimicrobials while shifting focus to disease prevention
US poultry producers dramatically decreased their use of medically important antimicrobials over a 5-year period ending in 2017, according to a new report released by Randall Singer, DVM, PhD,...
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Hatchery, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Ensuring chick quality in NAE production
Jul 30, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Ensuring chick quality in NAE production
The increase in 7-day chick mortality that has come along with the elimination of antibiotics requires a focus on containing bacteria that start in the layer house.
World poultry industry still struggling with necrotic enteritis
Jun 27, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on World poultry industry still struggling with necrotic enteritis
NE remains a formidable challenge in broilers raised without antibiotics, and preventing the disease means steering clear of predisposing factors and implementing a rigid coccidiosis-control plan.
Pilgrim’s veterinarian shares experiences with NAE production
Jun 07, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Pilgrim’s veterinarian shares experiences with NAE production
Preparation, meticulous attention to sanitation and improved communication with hatchery staff and growers are critical for NAE production.
Life without antibiotics: Field lessons learned the hard way
Apr 15, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Life without antibiotics: Field lessons learned the hard way
Producers need to think long and hard before jumping into “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) poultry production.
Sanitation key to successful NAE production
Feb 04, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Sanitation key to successful NAE production
The key to successful “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) broiler production is cleanliness throughout every step of production, including a pristine hatchery.
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Gut Health, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Coccidiosis control, litter management key to NE prevention in broilers raised without antibiotics
Jan 10, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Coccidiosis control, litter management key to NE prevention in broilers raised without antibiotics
Good coccidiosis control and litter management are the two most important steps producers can take to prevent necrotic enteritis (NE) in flocks raised without antibiotics.
E. coli becoming more common with rise in ‘no antibiotics ever’ programs
Aug 31, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on E. coli becoming more common with rise in ‘no antibiotics ever’ programs
With the removal of antibiotics in the hatchery in “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) programs, the bacterium Escherichia coli is becoming more of a problem at many broiler complexes.
Specialists share tips for optimizing immunity in ‘no antibiotics ever’ and ‘reduced use’ broiler flocks
Jul 14, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Specialists share tips for optimizing immunity in ‘no antibiotics ever’ and ‘reduced use’ broiler flocks
Finding ways to optimize immunity and give broilers more “staying power” could be the best strategy for maintaining the health and welfare of broilers, according to disease specialists at a...
Team effort by human, animal sectors needed to ensure responsible antibiotic use worldwide
Jun 14, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Team effort by human, animal sectors needed to ensure responsible antibiotic use worldwide
While the poultry and livestock sectors have drawn the ire of consumer and medical groups for the growth of antimicrobial resistance, it is wrong to “partition blame,” Randy Singer, DVM, PhD,...
Industry trendwatcher offers insights on future of antibiotic-free poultry production
May 01, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Industry trendwatcher offers insights on future of antibiotic-free poultry production
Industry trendwatcher and analyst Greg Rennier, PhD, recently sat down with Poultry Health Today to share his thoughts on antibiotic-free production and where the poultry industry is heading in 2017...
Rennier: NAE programs represented 40% of US broiler feeds in 2017
Apr 30, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Rennier: NAE programs represented 40% of US broiler feeds in 2017
Chickens raised without antibiotics of any type consumed 40% of the broiler feed produced un the US in 2017, according to Greg Rennier, PhD, president of Rennier Associates Inc.
USDA, industry groups take issue with WHO’s statement on poultry antibiotics
Apr 13, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on USDA, industry groups take issue with WHO’s statement on poultry antibiotics
The USDA’s chief scientist and several scientific and industry organizations took issue with the World Health Organization’s recent news release recommending that poultry and livestock producers...
Antibiotic-free, Interviews, ippe2016- Interviews with experts, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Sustainability, Videos
Antibiotic-free poultry production: Is it sustainable on a large scale?
Feb 13, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Antibiotic-free poultry production: Is it sustainable on a large scale?
Phil Stayer, DVM, head veterinarian at Sanderson Farms, is worried about what he calls an "anti-technology movement" directed at the US poultry industry, particularly as it relates to veterinary care...
Non-ionophore anticoccidial may help manage necrotic enteritis in RWA flocks
Dec 25, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Non-ionophore anticoccidial may help manage necrotic enteritis in RWA flocks
Flocks raised without antibiotics (RWA) that received a non-ionophore anticoccidial after coccidiosis vaccination had fewer necrotic enteritis (NE) lesions, less mortality and better feed conversion...
Necrotic enteritis: Can it be managed effectively in NAE flocks?
Nov 10, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Necrotic enteritis: Can it be managed effectively in NAE flocks?
Necrotic enteritis (NE) is not only a big problem in flocks raised without antibiotics, there’s a wide variation in how it presents itself, Steve Davis, DVM, president of Colorado Quality Research,...
Poultry veterinarians facing new challenges with NAE trend, food safety guidelines
Oct 06, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry veterinarians facing new challenges with NAE trend, food safety guidelines
The NAE production movement has helped reduce antibiotic use in poultry for good reason, but veterinarians need to make sure the pendulum doesn’t swing so far they have no antibiotics left to...
UK makes significant cuts in poultry antibiotic use
Sep 05, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on UK makes significant cuts in poultry antibiotic use
The UK poultry sector has reduced its antibiotic use by more than 70% over four years, according to latest industry figures.
Managing coccidiosis successfully in poultry raised without antibiotics
Aug 25, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Managing coccidiosis successfully in poultry raised without antibiotics
Producers raising flocks without antibiotics are finding new ways to manage gut health and coccidiosis with vaccination and anticoccidials, said Greg Mathis, PhD, coccidiosis specialist.
Finding the right balance with antibiotics and flock welfare
Aug 08, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Finding the right balance with antibiotics and flock welfare
Part 3: The issue of antibiotics in poultry continues to divide the poultry industry, with one side supporting routine preventive use and the other committed to raising birds without antibiotics.
Veteran poultry scientist optimistic about managing necrotic enteritis in NAE flocks
Jul 14, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Veteran poultry scientist optimistic about managing necrotic enteritis in NAE flocks
The trend toward “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) poultry production has no doubt spawned problems with necrotic enteritis (NE), but the industry is making progress in its search for alternative...
Getting the hatchery ready for ‘No Antibiotics Ever’ production
Jul 02, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Getting the hatchery ready for ‘No Antibiotics Ever’ production
Sanitation is the key to success when a hatchery completely removes antibiotics from its process, Josh Mulkey told Poultry Health Today.
Managing coccidia ‘leakage’ in antibiotic-free production systems
Jun 27, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Managing coccidia ‘leakage’ in antibiotic-free production systems
The US broiler industry has long relied on coccidial leakage to create immunity against coccidiosis in chickens. In antibiotic-free production systems, leakage occurs but can be more challenging to...
Mountaire stands on middle ground in antibiotic debate
Jun 26, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Mountaire stands on middle ground in antibiotic debate
While the all-or-nothing debate about the use of antibiotics in commercial poultry continues, Mountaire Farms is standing on solid middle ground, said Don Ritter, DVM.
Antibiotic issues broaden poultry veterinarians’ role
Apr 18, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Antibiotic issues broaden poultry veterinarians’ role
By Philip A. Stayer, DVM, MS, ACPV Corporate Veterinarian Sanderson Farms, Inc.
While new data show growth for NAE production, responsible antibiotic usage still holding its own
Apr 06, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on While new data show growth for NAE production, responsible antibiotic usage still holding its own
One in 5 tons of broiler feed produced by US poultry companies in 2016 was ticketed for “no antibiotics ever” programs — up nearly 67% from 2015 and nearly a seven-fold increase since 2014.
Poultry companies need to balance consumer preferences with flock health, welfare and food safety
Dec 19, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry companies need to balance consumer preferences with flock health, welfare and food safety
Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, a consulting poultry veterinarian based in Alabama, talks with Poultry Health Today about the challenges of reducing or even eliminating antibiotics in broiler production...
Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Gut Health, Infectious Diseases, ippe2016 - Highlights from our latest issue, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US
The Poultry Smith
Nov 02, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on The Poultry Smith
In this exclusive interview with Poultry Health Today, Fieldale Farms veterinarian John Smith reflects on his career, the state of the US poultry industry and, most importantly, what it needs to do...
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Gut Health, ippe2016- Interviews with experts, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS, Videos
Mathis: Long-term planning key to effective coccidiosis management
Jul 07, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Mathis: Long-term planning key to effective coccidiosis management
Whether the production system is antibiotic-free or conventional, long-term planning and strategic rotation programs are the best ways to ensure effective, sustainable control of coccidiosis, the...
Tyson vet shares experiences with antibiotic-free broilers
Jun 02, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Tyson vet shares experiences with antibiotic-free broilers
Producing Salmonella-free chicks without antibiotics is a delicate procedure — sort of a little like baking a cake, says Scott Gustin, DVM, director of veterinary services for Tyson.
Antibiotic-free, Global TOPICS, Gut Health, ippe2016- Interviews with experts, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Videos
Alternative treatments for necrotic enteritis: Has CQR’s Steve Davis found the ‘silver bullet’?
Apr 29, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Alternative treatments for necrotic enteritis: Has CQR’s Steve Davis found the ‘silver bullet’?
For years Steve Davis, DVM, of Colorado Quality Research had been looking for what he calls the "silver bullet" for managing NE in broilers without antibiotics.
Necrotic enteritis: In search of the silver bullet
Apr 09, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Necrotic enteritis: In search of the silver bullet
Steve Davis, DVM, of Colorado Quality Research says there’s no “silver bullet” for managing necrotic enteritis in broilers and shares his observations from recent studies.
Announcements, Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Food Safety, Gut Health, Infectious Diseases, ippe2016 - Highlights from our latest issue, Mobile Only, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US
Specialists explore new options for managing flock health while defending judicious antibiotic use
Mar 27, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Specialists explore new options for managing flock health while defending judicious antibiotic use
Growing demand for poultry raised without food-animal antibiotics has put more pressure on veterinarians to find alternative yet dependable disease-control options, according to a panel of nine...
Thinking about going antibiotic-free? Expert panel offers insights, suggestions
Mar 10, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Thinking about going antibiotic-free? Expert panel offers insights, suggestions
Broiler and turkey companies need to think carefully and weigh all the possible impacts before considering a move to antibiotic-free production, said poultry health experts at a panel discussion held...
Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Food Safety, ippe2016- Interviews with experts, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Videos
Balancing consumers’ preferences with flock health, welfare and food safety
Feb 11, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Balancing consumers’ preferences with flock health, welfare and food safety
Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, a consulting poultry veterinarian based in Alabama, talks with Poultry Health Today about the challenges of reducing or even eliminating antibiotics in broiler production...
Antibiotic-free production: Tips for making it work
Feb 10, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Antibiotic-free production: Tips for making it work
After following trends in antibiotic-free production over the past several years, Tim Cummings, DVM, has identified a few production practices worth incorporating.
Marketing vs. Medicine: Finding the balance
Jan 21, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Marketing vs. Medicine: Finding the balance
Growing demand for poultry raised without food-animal antibiotics has put more pressure on veterinarians to find alternative yet dependable disease-control options, according to a panel of nine...
Tips for feeding poultry raised without antibiotics
Oct 13, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Tips for feeding poultry raised without antibiotics
Growers replacing antibiotics in poultry diets face a steep learning curve filled with variables relating to bird health, disease pressure, feed inputs and housing, according to WattAgNet.
Will antibiotic-free trend make US broiler producers less competitive?
Sep 17, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Will antibiotic-free trend make US broiler producers less competitive?
The cascade of food service outlet pledges to purchase only chicken from flocks that have been raised without antibiotics is causing a major shift in how broilers are raised in the US, according to a...
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Gut Health, ippe2015- Interviews with experts, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS, Videos
Poultry specialist offers tips for managing gut health through better nutrition
Apr 30, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry specialist offers tips for managing gut health through better nutrition
Nutritionist Brett Lumpkins, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, Athens, Georgia, talks about antibiotic-free poultry production, the challenges it presents and how rations can be adjusted for better...
Industry roundtable: Raising poultry without antibiotics
Mar 19, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Industry roundtable: Raising poultry without antibiotics
Antibiotic-free poultry production remains uncharted territory that’s yielding varied results, a few surprises and an ethical dilemma for veterinarians, poultry experts said at an industry...
Antibiotic-free, Global TOP NEWS, Gut Health, ippe2015- Highlights from our latest issue, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Sustainability, TOP NEWS
Roundtable highlights: Raising poultry without antibiotics
Jan 27, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Roundtable highlights: Raising poultry without antibiotics
Antibiotic-free poultry production remains uncharted territory that’s yielding varied results, a few surprises and an ethical dilemma for veterinarians, poultry experts said at an industry...
Keys to successful ABF production
Jan 22, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Keys to successful ABF production
Poultry health experts at a recent industry roundtable offered these suggestions for successful antibiotic-free production
Antibiotic-free broiler production requires a paradigm shift
Nov 04, 2014Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Antibiotic-free broiler production requires a paradigm shift
Producers, veterinarians and nutritionists agree that antibiotic-free broiler production in the U.S. will place greater emphasis on farm management and nutrition.