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Category Archive: Antibiotic-free, ippe2015- Interviews with experts, PHT US, Sustainability, Videos

... Sanderson Farms vet shares views on sustainability, antibiotic-free and FDA’s new antimicrobial guidelines

Antibiotic-free poultry production is creating ethical conflicts for veterinarians while raising questions about sustainability, animal welfare and the industry’s ability to feed a growing...

... Managing ILT: Traditional CEO vaccines still provide ‘best protection’

John Glisson, DVM — professor emeritus at the University of Georgia and well-known respiratory disease specialist — talks about the ups and downs on infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in poultry...

... Coccidiosis research yielding new perspectives on AST

Adding molecular biology (PCR) to anticoccidial sensitivity testing (AST), offers a more in-depth look — and surprising findings — of Eimeria species contributing to coccidiosis in poultry...

... What’s causing ‘woody breast’ in poultry?

A condition known as “woody breast” is puzzling US poultry scientists investigating why breast-muscle tissue from some broiler flocks is hard and tough instead of tender and juicy.

... Poultry vet urges poultry producers to guard against E. coli

Long regarded as a secondary infection to respiratory disease, E. coli is now rated as a primary infection in many layer and broiler-breeder flocks, according to Jose Linares, DVM and technical...

... Media consultant: Let poultry vets tell the antibiotic story

The U.S. poultry industry needs to do a better job telling its story about antibiotics and their role in sustainable production and flock welfare, according to Frank Singleton, a media consultant...

... Poultry specialist offers tips for managing gut health through better nutrition

Nutritionist Brett Lumpkins, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, Athens, Georgia, talks about antibiotic-free poultry production, the challenges it presents and how rations can be adjusted for better...

... Defining, and demonstrating, sustainability in the poultry industry

Billy Hargis, PhD, University of Arkansas, thinks the US poultry industry has already set high standards for sustainability, but its efforts are largely misunderstood and unappreciated.

... Coccidiosis expert: Timing and combination of cocci control methods critical

Greg Mathis, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, Athens, Georgia, talks about the continued challenges managing coccidiosis and offers suggestions for improving management programs targeting the...

... Salmonella and coccidiosis: Is there a connection?

Chuck Hofacre, DVM, PhD, of the University of Georgia, talks about the relationship of salmonella and coccidiosis in poultry. He also offers tips for minimizing the presence of salmonella in live...

... Poultry vet offers tips for managing vaccination programs for infectious bursal disease (IBD)

Producers have many options for vaccinating for infectious bursal disease (IBD), but there’s no blanket program for all operations or all seasons. Kalen Cookson, DVM, a veterinarian for Zoetis,...

... Trade-offs needed in gangrenous dermatitis management

Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, Millsboro, Delaware, discusses his experiences managing gangrenous dermatitis in broilers, the disease’s relationship with coccidiosis and what producers can do...

... Poultry research showcased at SCAD: students shine

Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia talks about the recent Southern Conference of Avian Diseases (SCAD) and its significance to the poultry industry.

... 230 billion eggs vaccinated — and billions more to go

Crowds gathered at the Zoetis exhibit at the 2015 International Production and Processing Expo to help the company celebrate another milestone: 230 billion eggs vaccinated worldwide with Embrex...

... Avian influenza report from California underscores importance of biosecurity

Reports of AI on a California poultry farm in January 2015 underscore the importance of being vigilant with biosecurity, says Carl Heeder, DVM.

... Attracting new blood to poultry health

J. H. “Jim"" Denton, professor emeritus at the University of Arkansas, talks about the declining number of veterinarians and other poultry health professionals entering the industry and, more...

... Economic benefits of early chick placement

Taylor Barbosa, DVM, of Zoetis looks at research showing the benefits getting chicks on the floor as soon as possible.

... Sanderson Farms’ Phil Stayer: ‘Mortality is the first measure of wellbeing’

Phil Stayer, DVM, of Sanderson Farms says poultry health, welfare and sustainability should not be compromised for marketing purposes.

... The changing face of reovirus in poultry

Don Waldrip, DVM, of Zoetis talks about new variants or reovirus in poultry and the best ways to manage it.

... Correlating lesion scores to microscores creates statistical model for efficacy, feed conversion in poultry

Georgia researcher Lorraine Fuller and graduate student Miguel Barrios, at University of Georgia, build new statistical model that saves poultry producers time and money by correlating lesion scores...

... Sustainability: ‘It’s about continuous improvement’

Marty Matlock and Gregory Thoma of the University of Arkansas define sustainability as “continuous improvement” and discuss both the track record and the challenges of today’s poultry

... Infectious bronchitis constantly evolving making it a tough target

Infectious bronchitis may not show symptoms in live birds but surprises poultry producers with condemnations at processing, says Tim Cummings, DVM, technical service veterinarian for Zoetis.

... Regulatory expert urges poultry producers to document, document, document

Henry Turlington, PhD, of AFIA, points out the implications of the new Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations and the need for improved communication and record keeping for poultry...

... Infectious bronchitis: A moving target

University of Georgia’s Mark Jackwood, PhD, explains why infectious bronchitis keeps evolving and what poultry producers should do to stay ahead of the costly disease.

... Rising issues with coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis

Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, encourages “back to basics”  with gut-health management while exploring new options

... A look at animal wellbeing in the poultry industry

Yvonne Vizzier Thaxton talks about animal wellbeing–the entire system of the animal including general health, behavior, nutrition, disease prevention–and how it contributes to...

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