Managing protozoal diseases in turkeys: There’s a lot we need to learn
Dec 27, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Managing protozoal diseases in turkeys: There’s a lot we need to learn
Three experts from research, production and industry share their experiences and offer insights for addressing protozoal diseases in turkeys.
Flock welfare, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Back-to-basics for managing health of cage-free pullets
Dec 26, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Back-to-basics for managing health of cage-free pullets
Poultry producers with cage-free pullet systems should go back to the basics of bird management to keep their flocks healthy and productive.
Why new HPAI variants continue to emerge
Dec 19, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Why new HPAI variants continue to emerge
The frequency of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks is on the increase in the US with 6 of the past 8 years experiencing some form of HPAI.
Distinctive condition affects layers as well as turkeys, broilers
Dec 15, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Distinctive condition affects layers as well as turkeys, broilers
A disease commonly seen in turkey and broiler flocks can also affect layers, meaning that producers should look out for its distinctive signs.
UMN expert: Transparency, communication keys to mitigating the risks of HPAI
Dec 07, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on UMN expert: Transparency, communication keys to mitigating the risks of HPAI
The US has a long history of effective disease control and has eradicated or remained free of many pests and agents even as they remain endemic in other parts of the world, said Carol Cardona, DVM,...
UMN training program focuses on poultry company decision-making, during AI outbreaks
Nov 30, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on UMN training program focuses on poultry company decision-making, during AI outbreaks
The University of Minnesota offers a training program to help poultry companies understand and prepare for avian influenza outbreaks.
SFS program helping to identify best practices for HPAI risk assessments
Nov 30, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on SFS program helping to identify best practices for HPAI risk assessments
The University of Minnesota’s Secure Food Systems team develops and publishes science-based risk assessments for the movement of poultry products from monitored (uninfected) premises in control...
Inclusion body hepatitis re-emergence prompts fresh look at control strategies
Nov 10, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Inclusion body hepatitis re-emergence prompts fresh look at control strategies
The US broiler industry is seeing a re-emergence of inclusion body hepatitis, a deadly disease that can strike with little warning. Take a look at our special report.
Long-term control for IBH includes vaccines, management protocols
Nov 03, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Long-term control for IBH includes vaccines, management protocols
Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) remains a nagging issue for broiler flocks, and it isn’t going away anytime soon.
Diagnostics, Flock welfare, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS
Vaccines, biosecurity, management keys to keeping IBH in check
Oct 28, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Vaccines, biosecurity, management keys to keeping IBH in check
Inclusion body hepatitis can be a challenging disease, as the clinical signs are non-specific and there is no direct treatment. Consequently, producers rely on interventions such vaccinations.
E. coli implicated in layer gut disease
Oct 27, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on E. coli implicated in layer gut disease
E.coli may be largely responsible for focal duodenel necrosis (FDN) in layer chickens, according to research presented at the 2022 International Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF).
Reusing poultry litter may reduce antibiotic-resistant Salmonella
Oct 20, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Reusing poultry litter may reduce antibiotic-resistant Salmonella
Reusing poultry litter can help boost bird health and may help prevent the transfer of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella, scientists have discovered.
Diagnostics for IBH start with subtle indicators
Oct 13, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Diagnostics for IBH start with subtle indicators
Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) infections may not offer clear-cut clinical symptoms, but there are on-farm diagnostic measures that can yield early warnings.
Biosecurity, Flock welfare, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS
HPAI prevention requires ‘buckle-up’ mentality to biosecurity
Oct 06, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on HPAI prevention requires ‘buckle-up’ mentality to biosecurity
The only option for poultry farms to prevent an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is 100% adherence to biosecurity rules.
ILT vaccine choices: A closer look
Sep 20, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on ILT vaccine choices: A closer look
With continued wild-type ILT challenges in the field, we are faced with a choice of two vaccine options with proven results — with different priorities affecting the final decision.
Avian flu likely to re-emerge and threaten US poultry flocks this fall
Sep 15, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Avian flu likely to re-emerge and threaten US poultry flocks this fall
US egg and turkey supplies took a hit from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) this spring as the wild-bird migration exposed domestic flocks to the virus.
Diagnostics, Flock welfare, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS
IBH gaining more attention in broiler flocks as incidence, mortalities rise
Sep 01, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on IBH gaining more attention in broiler flocks as incidence, mortalities rise
Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) is not a new disease of poultry, but it’s quietly spreading to broiler flocks — initially with few clinical signs, followed by death in some flocks.
Flock welfare, Global TOPICS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOPICS, Videos
Why ‘vaccinated’ chickens still get infected with IBV — and what to do about it
Jul 26, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Why ‘vaccinated’ chickens still get infected with IBV — and what to do about it
While many vaccines and vaccination programs effectively protect against the highly contagious infectious bronchitis virus in poultry, outbreaks of the disease still occur in vaccinated flocks.
Free booklet offers insights for addressing IBH in broilers
Jul 14, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Free booklet offers insights for addressing IBH in broilers
Poultry veterinarians throughout the US broiler industry are reporting a re-emergence of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH). The disease, caused by fowl adenovirus (FAdV), often strikes with little...
Survey shows US poultry industry’s evolving yet flexible approach to coccidiosis management
Jun 13, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Survey shows US poultry industry’s evolving yet flexible approach to coccidiosis management
After years of being an afterthought in many broiler-production schemes, coccidiosis vaccines have become the cornerstone for many control programs.
Flock welfare, Global TOPICS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOPICS, Videos
Poultry industry can learn from COVID-19
Jun 09, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry industry can learn from COVID-19
Biosecurity is not sufficient to control avian coronaviruses like infectious bronchitis in commercial poultry, no matter how good it is, said Mark Jackwood, PhD, a molecular virologist and professor...
Special Report: New insights for managing coccidiosis in broilers
Jun 01, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Special Report: New insights for managing coccidiosis in broilers
Despite industry advances, coccidiosis remains the leading intestinal health disease of broilers. Poultry Health Today asked experts to share latest insights and recommendations for managing this...
Diagnostics, Flock welfare, Global TOPICS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Research, TOPICS, Videos
Poor IBV vaccine performance in broiler study underlines need for surveillance
May 12, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poor IBV vaccine performance in broiler study underlines need for surveillance
A whole-complex study of broiler breeders in Georgia found underwhelming infectious bronchitis vaccine performance – but with better surveillance and protocols, outcomes could be improved.
Salmonella Enteritidis in feed can be a source for broiler flocks
May 11, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Salmonella Enteritidis in feed can be a source for broiler flocks
The Southern Poultry Research Group created a challenge model to show how S. Enteritidis, can spread among birds when feed is contaminated and to help evaluate products that can eliminate or reduce...
UK researchers: Watch for emerging, more infectious strains of avian flu virus
Apr 18, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on UK researchers: Watch for emerging, more infectious strains of avian flu virus
According to research led by The Pirbright Institute, UK, infection with two strains of avian flu virus could lead to the emergence of a new strain with the potential to jump from birds to humans.
Interaction of modified-live and recombinant vaccines shows potential against viral diseases
Apr 06, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Interaction of modified-live and recombinant vaccines shows potential against viral diseases
Adding a modified-live vaccine (MLV) to recombinant vaccine programs against three important viral pathogens in poultry production can have a positive impact on outcomes, according to field work by...
Tips for managing inclusion body hepatitis
Mar 25, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Tips for managing inclusion body hepatitis
TOOLBOX, Issue 27: An interview with Daniel Bautista, DVM, senior technical services, Zoetis on managing the recent resurgence of inclusion body hepatitis in broilers.
Lockdown mode urged with avian flu outbreaks in Mississippi and Central Flyways
Mar 17, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Lockdown mode urged with avian flu outbreaks in Mississippi and Central Flyways
A warning to tighten up biosecurity and reduce movement in and out of poultry houses was issued by Terry Conger, DVM, poultry health epidemiologist with USDA’s APHIS.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Indiana commercial turkey flock
Feb 09, 2022Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Indiana commercial turkey flock
USDA's APHIS has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a commercial turkey flock in Dubois County, IN, the first confirmed case in commercial poultry in the US since 2020.
Targeted adjuvants may improve recombinant ILT vaccination immune response
Nov 02, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Targeted adjuvants may improve recombinant ILT vaccination immune response
Vaccination might be effective in controlling ILT in broilers, but recombinant vaccines might not always provide an adequate immune response, according to scientists at North Caroline State...
IBDV linked to severe necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens
Oct 10, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on IBDV linked to severe necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens
Broiler chickens exposed to infectious bursal disease virus are likely to develop more severe cases of the bacterial disease, necrotic enteritis, researchers in Canada have found.
Diagnostics, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Molecular test helps identify pathogenicity in new strains of infectious bursal disease virus
Sep 03, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Molecular test helps identify pathogenicity in new strains of infectious bursal disease virus
A genetic technique which could help improve predictions about the virulence of infectious bursal disease (IBDV) has identified pathogenicity in seven new strains of the virus which causes an...
False layer syndrome in Canada due to DMV/1639
Aug 15, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on False layer syndrome in Canada due to DMV/1639
False layer syndrome due to the Delmarva 1639 (DMV/1639) variant of the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is leading to huge economic losses in the Canadian egg industry.
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Respiratory, TOP NEWS, Videos
Three keys to successful IBV control
Aug 09, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Three keys to successful IBV control
Highly contagious and constantly evolving, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is notoriously difficult to control.
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOP NEWS, Videos
Two years of IBV sampling underlines importance of surveillance work
Aug 03, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Two years of IBV sampling underlines importance of surveillance work
Large-scale collection of samples from producers across the southern US is helping shed new light on infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in chicken flocks — including uncovering a new serotype of the...
Lessons from the Midwest’s 2015 avian flu outbreak
Jun 24, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Lessons from the Midwest’s 2015 avian flu outbreak
The 2015 outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Minnesota was the worst the US has ever seen. What has the poultry industry learned from this and other outbreaks?
Diagnostics, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS, Videos
Diagnostics key to effective mycoplasma control
Jun 20, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Diagnostics key to effective mycoplasma control
Avian mycoplasmosis is a problem for poultry producers worldwide, but according to an expert, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to managing it.
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Research, TOP NEWS, Videos
False layer syndrome linked to early infectious bronchitis exposure
May 14, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on False layer syndrome linked to early infectious bronchitis exposure
Research is increasingly linking false layer syndrome to early exposure to infectious bronchitis virus. The condition prevents laying hens from producing eggs, but birds display few outward signs of...
Cross-protection vaccine protocols key to limiting DMV/1639 spread in US flocks
May 04, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Cross-protection vaccine protocols key to limiting DMV/1639 spread in US flocks
Combining serotype vaccines might be a popular approach to protecting flocks against evolving strains of infectious bronchitis virus, such as DMV/1639, but not all combinations work equally well.
Testing mixed control approaches important in controlling Salmonella in broilers
Apr 26, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Testing mixed control approaches important in controlling Salmonella in broilers
Commercial broiler farms often employ a multi-faceted approach in tackling Salmonella, but testing different combinations of control options together on a small scale before they are rolled out...
Pathways to protection: How one vaccine decision can affect options for managing other diseases in broilers
Apr 22, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Pathways to protection: How one vaccine decision can affect options for managing other diseases in broilers
Broiler operations want to provide the best disease protection for the least cost, but deciding which vaccines to use and when can be a daunting task.
Latest breeder, broiler vaccines provide consistent IBDV immunity
Feb 09, 2021Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Latest breeder, broiler vaccines provide consistent IBDV immunity
TOOLBOX, Issue 23: An interview with Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM, Director of Clinical Research, Zoetis about Poulvac Maternavac 4 and Poulvac Procerta HVT-IBD.
Serotype, presentation of IBH differ in large and small birds
Dec 18, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Serotype, presentation of IBH differ in large and small birds
More than one serotype has been the cause of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in broilers, which has presented differently in large- and small-bird complexes.
NCSU: Enterococcus co-infection makes colibacillosis deadlier in poultry
Nov 12, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on NCSU: Enterococcus co-infection makes colibacillosis deadlier in poultry
Researchers from North Carolina State University have found that when a particular strain of Enterococcus is found alongside E. coli in cases of avian colibacillosis, there is a higher rate of...
Flock welfare, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Research, TOP NEWS, Videos
Consider predominance of AL-2 variants when planning IBDV vaccination program
Nov 09, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Consider predominance of AL-2 variants when planning IBDV vaccination program
The AL-2 family of variants is the predominant strain of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) circulating among US broiler flocks, according to a recent survey.
Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND provides advantages of a recombinant plus 19-day onset of immunity
Nov 02, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poulvac® Procerta™ HVT-ND provides advantages of a recombinant plus 19-day onset of immunity
Poulvac®️ Procerta™️ HVT-ND provides producers with all the advantages of a recombinant vectored vaccine while protecting chickens against Newcastle and Marek’s diseases as early as 19 days...
Flock welfare, Global TOPICS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOPICS, Videos
ND is stable in US but poultry industry should be on lookout for evolving strains
Jul 13, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on ND is stable in US but poultry industry should be on lookout for evolving strains
Newcastle disease throughout most of the US remains stable, but the industry needs to be on guard for changes in the virus that may require adaption of ND vaccines.
Highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza confirmed in US commercial turkey flock
Apr 10, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza confirmed in US commercial turkey flock
A commercial turkey flock in South Carolina has tested positive for highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza (HPAI).
Sanderson vet: Keeping up with variant reovirus strains remains challenging
Mar 06, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Sanderson vet: Keeping up with variant reovirus strains remains challenging
Poor uniformity, lameness and reduced water consumption are tip-offs that broilers may be infected with variant reovirus.
JAVMA report: Newcastle reemerges, spreads in California
Jan 30, 2020Jennifer GrullonComments Off on JAVMA report: Newcastle reemerges, spreads in California
Virulent Newcastle disease resurged in Southern California as people broke quarantines by moving birds and farming equipment, according to a report by JAVMA.
Managing anticoccidials: ‘It’s how you use them that’s important’
Dec 23, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Managing anticoccidials: ‘It’s how you use them that’s important’
Coccidiosis takes a toll of around $3 billion on global poultry production each year, making it one of the industry’s most economically significant diseases worldwide.
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers tied to breeders
Oct 29, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers tied to breeders
An unusual presentation of bacterial septicemia in broilers underscores the importance of obtaining a good history and input from bird caretakers, according to David French, DVM, a staff veterinarian...
Diagnostics, Flock welfare, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOP NEWS, Videos
Sentinel broilers, PCR testing help isolate, identify evolving IBV populations in Arkansas
Oct 07, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Sentinel broilers, PCR testing help isolate, identify evolving IBV populations in Arkansas
How do you look for new serotypes of a virus that might be circulating in an area? Sentinel birds are a good place to start, according to Abigail Reith, DVM, a technical services veterinarian for...
Biosecurity, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOP NEWS, Videos
Virulent ND in California sending wake-up call to US poultry industry
May 08, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Virulent ND in California sending wake-up call to US poultry industry
Outbreaks of virulent Newcastle disease (vND) that have spread from backyard to commercial flocks in California are providing a wake-up call to the entire US poultry industry.
AVMA releases first-ever guidelines for depopulation of animals
Apr 10, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on AVMA releases first-ever guidelines for depopulation of animals
The AVMA has published its first ever Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals to help veterinarians support animal welfare in situations where the difficult decision to depopulate has been made.
Navigating the maze of alternative products for necrotic enteritis control
Apr 08, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Navigating the maze of alternative products for necrotic enteritis control
The effectiveness of antibiotic alternatives is going to vary among “no antibiotics ever” production systems, and it’s up to the producers to figure out which alternatives will work.
Global TOPICS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOPICS, Videos
Mycoplasma synoviae demanding more attention as poultry industry grasps its full impact
Feb 27, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Mycoplasma synoviae demanding more attention as poultry industry grasps its full impact
Emerging, variant strains of Mycoplasma synoviae are causing eggshell apex abnormalities as well as production drops in both layer and breeding flocks worldwide, Anneke Feberwee, DVM, PhD, from GD...
‘Take a holistic approach’ to get the most from Salmonella vaccination
Feb 01, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on ‘Take a holistic approach’ to get the most from Salmonella vaccination
TOOLBOX, Issue 4: An interview with Marco Quiroz, DVM, Zoetis
To manage IBDV, ‘let the bird tell you what to do’
Jan 16, 2019Jennifer GrullonComments Off on To manage IBDV, ‘let the bird tell you what to do’
Conventional wisdom dictates that infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) field strains should determine the vaccine strategy. However, a recent study from Brazil indicates the reverse is also true.
Can water treatments help reduce Salmonella levels before processing?
Dec 06, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Can water treatments help reduce Salmonella levels before processing?
Feed withdrawal before moving broilers to the processing plant appears to increase their susceptibility to Salmonella, indicates research from the University of Georgia.
Biosecurity, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOP NEWS, Videos
Biosecurity, disinfection, downtime keys to better ILT control
Nov 01, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Biosecurity, disinfection, downtime keys to better ILT control
Strict biosecurity is the best defense against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in broiler flocks, advises Maricarmen García, PhD, a professor at the University of Georgia.
Global TOP NEWS, Hatchery, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, TOP NEWS, Videos
Halting in ovo vaccination not a good option for managing hatchery bacteria
Oct 22, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Halting in ovo vaccination not a good option for managing hatchery bacteria
Higher 7-day mortality from bacterial infections in the hatchery is no reason to stop in ovo vaccination for Marek’s and other diseases, according to a consulting poultry veterinarian.
Study shows how unchanged boots disrupt biosecurity
Sep 26, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Study shows how unchanged boots disrupt biosecurity
Poultry farmers looking for ways to reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria in their facilities need look no further than the boots on their feet.
Controlling coccidiosis helps prevent histomoniasis in broiler pullets
Sep 04, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Controlling coccidiosis helps prevent histomoniasis in broiler pullets
The incidence of histomoniasis, commonly known as blackhead disease, is increasing in Southeastern US broiler-breeding operations — and young breeders 25 to 30 weeks old seem particularly...
Special Report: Nixing necrotic enteritis in broilers
Jul 09, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Special Report: Nixing necrotic enteritis in broilers
This week poultry specialists will gather in Denver, Colorado, for the second International Conference on Necrotic Enteritis. In this special report, Poultry Health Today looks at the impact of this...
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, Interviews, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Podcast, Respiratory, TOP NEWS, Videos
Is MS the next ‘big, bad Mycoplasma’ for US poultry?
Jun 20, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Is MS the next ‘big, bad Mycoplasma’ for US poultry?
The US poultry industry is reporting more problems with virulent Mycoplasma synoviae according to Naola Ferguson, DVM
Loose stools linked to blackhead disease transmission in turkeys
May 17, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Loose stools linked to blackhead disease transmission in turkeys
Enteric inflammation and loose stools can affect the rate that turkeys contract blackhead disease.
On-farm Salmonella control helps prevent processing plant contamination
May 11, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on On-farm Salmonella control helps prevent processing plant contamination
Contaminated chicken feathers and feet may be the primary vectors for transmitting Salmonella from poultry houses to processing plants, according to Martha Pulido, DVM, PhD, Mississippi State...
Buckling down on biosecurity
May 07, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Buckling down on biosecurity
For this special report, our editors talked with disease experts about what poultry companies can do to buckle down on biosecurity and protect their flocks from infectious diseases.
‘Turkeys are suffering’ without good control of coccidiosis
May 04, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on ‘Turkeys are suffering’ without good control of coccidiosis
Turkeys are suffering from coccidiosis due to a lack of available medications, according to Greg Mathis, PhD, Southern Poultry Research, Athens, Georgia.
Foregoing CAV breeder vaccination based on ELISA results can backfire
Apr 19, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Foregoing CAV breeder vaccination based on ELISA results can backfire
Not vaccinating broiler breeders for chicken anemia virus (CAV) because ELISA results show detectable antibodies could be asking for trouble, says Guillermo Zavala, DVM, PhD, Avian Health...
Lack of medications, veterinarians hamper turkey industry
Apr 10, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Lack of medications, veterinarians hamper turkey industry
The US turkey industry continues to be hampered by a lack of approved efficacious drugs, according to a 2017 survey. Since 2005, four medications have been withdrawn, leaving the industry without any...
Seven misconceptions about IBD in broilers
Mar 30, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Seven misconceptions about IBD in broilers
Kalen Cookson, DVM, is the director of clinical research, poultry, Zoetis. He explained the common misconceptions about infectious bursal disease (IBD) to Poultry Health Today.
How mutations, antigenic drift affect IBD management
Feb 19, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on How mutations, antigenic drift affect IBD management
Farms affected by variant infectious bursal disease (IBD) viruses may find that currently available IBD vaccines aren’t always effective, said Daral Jackwood, PhD, professor in food animal research...
H9N2 could devastate America’s poultry industry
Feb 06, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on H9N2 could devastate America’s poultry industry
H9N2, a low-pathogenic avian influenza virus common in parts of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, would be difficult to control if introduced to the US, said David Suarez, a research leader...
Is feed a vector for avian influenza virus?
Jan 25, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Is feed a vector for avian influenza virus?
Layer feed does not appear to be a likely vector for transmitting the avian influenza (AI) virus, based on research conducted by Yuko Sato, DVM, of Iowa State University.
Necrotic enteritis and age of litter: What’s the connection in broilers?
Jan 02, 2018Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Necrotic enteritis and age of litter: What’s the connection in broilers?
Broilers raised on used litter develop better immunity to necrotic enteritis (NE) than birds raised on new litter when challenged early with Clostridium perfringens, Steve Davis, DVM, president of...
Avian influenza viruses can persist in footbaths and manure
Dec 08, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Avian influenza viruses can persist in footbaths and manure
Growers shouldn’t assume the disinfectants they use in footbaths are effective against avian influenza (AI), indicates a study from the University of California–Davis.
Check farm biosecurity now ahead of potential avian flu return, disease expert says
Dec 07, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Check farm biosecurity now ahead of potential avian flu return, disease expert says
Poultry producers should assess their farm biosecurity in preparation for a return of avian influenza this winter, according to an expert in the spread and control on animal disease.
Infectious bursal disease: ‘It’s never black and white’
Oct 20, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Infectious bursal disease: ‘It’s never black and white’
Daral Jackwood, PhD, a professor at Ohio State University, is best known in the US poultry industry as the go-to expert on infectious bursal disease (IBD). In an interview with Poultry Health Today,...
Understanding the clinical picture key to effective IB control
Oct 13, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Understanding the clinical picture key to effective IB control
Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious coronavirus found in chickens worldwide that costs the US poultry industry millions of dollars annually.
Three-pronged E. coli strategy to help cut losses, improve profitability
Oct 11, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Three-pronged E. coli strategy to help cut losses, improve profitability
Managing Escherichia coli infection in commercial poultry flocks has to be tackled on three fronts to help cut losses and improve profitability, says Allan Ball, of the Slate Hall Veterinary Practice...
New flock-management trends call for new E. coli-management strategies, vets say
Oct 10, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on New flock-management trends call for new E. coli-management strategies, vets say
Two poultry veterinarians say that prevention of Escherichia coli infection is key as management trends toward free-range housing and reduced antibiotic use.
Protecting longer-life layers against infectious bronchitis
Sep 08, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Protecting longer-life layers against infectious bronchitis
With many laying hens now remaining in production up to 500 days, it’s time to rethink infectious bronchitis (IB) protection protocols, says Dieter Vancraeynest, DVM, PhD, a poultry veterinarian at...
Alternative therapies called best long-term hope for blackhead disease in turkeys
Sep 08, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Alternative therapies called best long-term hope for blackhead disease in turkeys
Alternative treatments may be the only long-term hope for managing blackhead in turkeys, said Robert Beckstead, PhD, turkey health specialist, North Carolina State University.
Coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis challenge cage-free layer systems
Aug 30, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis challenge cage-free layer systems
Cage-free housing for egg layers allows birds to exhibit more natural behaviors, but it also carries an increased risk for morbidity and mortality...
Compartmentalization key to global avian flu control
Aug 30, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Compartmentalization key to global avian flu control
Standardizing biosecurity measures across the poultry sector is key to protecting birds from avian influenza and ensuring outbreaks do not decimate trade, according to a poultry health expert.
Sanderson Farms vet drawing new battle lines against ILT
Jul 20, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Sanderson Farms vet drawing new battle lines against ILT
Sanderson Farms growers have been asked to stop driving their farm trucks off the farm to help prevent outbreaks of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), according to Phil Stayer, DVM, head...
Infectious bronchitis: The ‘eye of the storm’ for chicken health
Jul 19, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Infectious bronchitis: The ‘eye of the storm’ for chicken health
Ask any poultry producer about the most economically important disease in broilers, breeders or layers. Infectious bronchitis (IB) almost always tops the list and could best be described as the...
MG in poultry: Often overlooked but still costly
Jul 11, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on MG in poultry: Often overlooked but still costly
The incidence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum is currently low in broiler and broiler breeder flocks thanks to decades of effort by the US poultry industry, but producers should maintain their guard to...
Breeder E. coli vaccination boosts broiler health
Jul 06, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Breeder E. coli vaccination boosts broiler health
Vaccination of broiler breeders against Escherichia coli helps improve the health of their progeny, reports a veterinarian in South Africa.
Managing coccidia ‘leakage’ in antibiotic-free production systems
Jun 27, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Managing coccidia ‘leakage’ in antibiotic-free production systems
The US broiler industry has long relied on coccidial leakage to create immunity against coccidiosis in chickens. In antibiotic-free production systems, leakage occurs but can be more challenging to...
Vigilance key for limiting avian flu risk
Jun 16, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Vigilance key for limiting avian flu risk
European officials are urging poultry producers to review of the signs and symptoms of avian flu and biosecurity measures for containing it.
IBDV: Management obstacles and options
Apr 26, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on IBDV: Management obstacles and options
By Daral J. Jackwood, PhD Professor, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine Food Animal Health Research Program Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center The Ohio State University
Shortage of medications remains top issue for US turkey industry
Apr 24, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Shortage of medications remains top issue for US turkey industry
A shortage of effective, FDA-approved medications is still the top health issue for the US turkey industry, according to a survey conducted by a turkey veterinarian.
‘Old bug’ with new name easily mistaken for E. coli peritonitis
Apr 12, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on ‘Old bug’ with new name easily mistaken for E. coli peritonitis
Commercial chicken flocks that appear to have Escherichia coli peritonitis might actually be infected with a re-emerging old pathogen with a new name.
Vaccination helping to reduce mortality rates from E. coli in France’s layer flocks
Apr 04, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Vaccination helping to reduce mortality rates from E. coli in France’s layer flocks
Four out of five health problems in layer flocks in France are related to Escherichia coli, according to Jocelyn Marguerie, DVM.
Better accuracy, hatchability, protection seen in birds vaccinated with dual-needle system
Mar 27, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Better accuracy, hatchability, protection seen in birds vaccinated with dual-needle system
Broiler studies demonstrate that a dual-needle in ovo delivery system yields more accurate vaccine placement, better hatchability and better disease protection compared to a single-needle...
E. coli vaccine reduced colibacillosis lesions and mortality in turkeys
Feb 07, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on E. coli vaccine reduced colibacillosis lesions and mortality in turkeys
A modified-live Escherichia coli vaccine for turkeys was demonstrated to be safe and effectively reduced the incidence of lesions and mortality due to colibacillosis, according to recent studies.
Surveillance, careful vaccine selection tops “shoot-in-the-dark” strategy for IB control
Feb 02, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Surveillance, careful vaccine selection tops “shoot-in-the-dark” strategy for IB control
Microbiologist Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia, urges producers not to “shoot in the dark” with infectious bronchitis vaccines and, instead, to focus on surveillance, monitoring and...
Modified-live E. coli vaccine found safe, effective for water administration to chickens
Jan 15, 2017Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Modified-live E. coli vaccine found safe, effective for water administration to chickens
A modified-live vaccine indicated for active immunization against infections caused by Escherichia coli 078 is safe and also effective when administered in drinking water, according to results of a...
Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Gut Health, Infectious Diseases, ippe2016 - Highlights from our latest issue, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US
The Poultry Smith
Nov 02, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on The Poultry Smith
In this exclusive interview with Poultry Health Today, Fieldale Farms veterinarian John Smith reflects on his career, the state of the US poultry industry and, most importantly, what it needs to do...
Condemnations, mortality shift focus to E. coli vaccination in some broiler flocks
Sep 16, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Condemnations, mortality shift focus to E. coli vaccination in some broiler flocks
While infectious bronchitis remains a serious threat to broiler health, it often opens the door to the more costly secondary infection, E coli, explained Kalen Cookson, DVM, director of clinical...
E. coli in broilers: Its costly impact on condemnations and mortality
Jun 11, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on E. coli in broilers: Its costly impact on condemnations and mortality
Infectious bronchitis is a never-ending battle for poultry producers, but its the secondary infection E. coli that often proves to be the most costly to broilers in terms of condemnations and...
Necrotic enteritis in broilers: Disease or syndrome?
Apr 26, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Necrotic enteritis in broilers: Disease or syndrome?
Steve Davis, DVM, of Colorado Quality Research, talks about emerging virulent strains of Clostridium perfringens and their impact on the prevalence severity of necrotic enteritis in broilers.
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, ippe2016 - Highlights from our latest issue, News, PHT GLOBAL, Research, Respiratory
IBD V877 vaccine can break through maternal antibodies
Apr 10, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on IBD V877 vaccine can break through maternal antibodies
A live infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccine based on the V877 strain can override maternal antibodies, doesn’t revert to virulence and has limited interactions with other live vaccines.
Mountaire veterinarian discusses managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection
Apr 07, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Mountaire veterinarian discusses managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection
Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, details the company’s recent bout with IB in broilers and the costly secondary infection of E. coli that followed.
Live E. coli, Salmonella vaccines remained effective when used together in challenge study
Apr 06, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Live E. coli, Salmonella vaccines remained effective when used together in challenge study
Administration of a modified-live Escherichia coli vaccine along with a live Salmonella vaccine does not appear to affect the efficacy of either, indicate the results of a recent challenge study.[1]...
Study shows value of E. coli vaccine in chickens
Mar 30, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Study shows value of E. coli vaccine in chickens
A live Escherichia coli vaccine provided a high level of protection to chickens challenged with the same E. coli strain as well as cross-protection against a different strain in a recent study...
Announcements, Antibiotic-free, Flock welfare, Food Safety, Gut Health, Infectious Diseases, ippe2016 - Highlights from our latest issue, Mobile Only, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US
Specialists explore new options for managing flock health while defending judicious antibiotic use
Mar 27, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Specialists explore new options for managing flock health while defending judicious antibiotic use
Growing demand for poultry raised without food-animal antibiotics has put more pressure on veterinarians to find alternative yet dependable disease-control options, according to a panel of nine...
Managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection
Feb 12, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection
Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, Millsboro, Delaware, details the company’s recent bout with infectious bronchitis in broilers and the costly secondary infection of E. coli that followed.
Taking a holistic approach to poultry health
Feb 11, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Taking a holistic approach to poultry health
Poultry companies need to adopt a "more holistic approach" to poultry medicine — one that considers the birds' environment and other variables that can affect vaccine and antibiotic performance,...
Free 2015 AAAP Proceedings Booklet
Jan 21, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Free 2015 AAAP Proceedings Booklet
Pressures to reduce or eliminate antibiotics from poultry production have created new health and welfare challenges for chickens and turkeys. In this lively roundtable discussion, poultry...
E. coli vaccine stable when rehydrated with diverse water types or combined with coccidiosis vaccine
Jan 06, 2016Jennifer GrullonComments Off on E. coli vaccine stable when rehydrated with diverse water types or combined with coccidiosis vaccine
A modified-live Escherichia coli vaccine remained “extremely” stable when rehydrated with diverse types of water and when it was combined with a coccidiosis vaccine, indicate the results of a...
Shift and drift affect broiler vaccination decisions
Dec 16, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Shift and drift affect broiler vaccination decisions
Few viruses in poultry remain static over long periods of time. Slight genetic shifts or mutations that occur during replication result in a genetic code drift away from the original virus. Over...
Three more broiler diseases you can manage with vaccination
Nov 11, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Three more broiler diseases you can manage with vaccination
There's more to poultry health than Marek's, IBD, ILT and ND. Vaccines also play major roles in curbing these common diseases.
Biosecurity, Expert Advice, Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, Respiratory, TOP NEWS
Breaches in biosecurity: Sanderson Farms vet shares three valuable lessons
Nov 05, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Breaches in biosecurity: Sanderson Farms vet shares three valuable lessons
By Philip A. Stayer, DVM Corporate Veterinarian, Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Complex broiler-vaccine decisions require expert advice
Sep 28, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Complex broiler-vaccine decisions require expert advice
Developing a vaccination program targeting optimal performance and return requires more planning and expertise than local “experts” at the farm store can offer.
High stocking density predisposes broilers to NE
Sep 28, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on High stocking density predisposes broilers to NE
High stocking density has adverse effects on broiler welfare and intestinal health and predisposes the birds to necrotic enteritis (NE), according to the results of an experiment conducted by...
British vets question health, welfare of free-range chickens
Aug 25, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on British vets question health, welfare of free-range chickens
While activists tout the happier, healthier life of free-range chickens, veterinarians in Great Britain have expressed concern about their long-term sustainability and increased likelihood of a major...
Flu panel examines US control efforts, impacts on trade
Aug 02, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Flu panel examines US control efforts, impacts on trade
With well over 200 outbreaks affecting more than 47 million poultry over the last six months, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is hitting the US poultry industry hard.
Global TOP NEWS, Infectious Diseases, ippe2015- Interviews with experts, News, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US, TOP NEWS, Videos
Poultry vet urges poultry producers to guard against E. coli
May 21, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry vet urges poultry producers to guard against E. coli
Long regarded as a secondary infection to respiratory disease, E. coli is now rated as a primary infection in many layer and broiler-breeder flocks, according to Jose Linares, DVM and technical...
What’s left if we lose antibiotics?
Apr 20, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on What’s left if we lose antibiotics?
Bacterial resistance is developing quickly and many critically important drugs risk becoming obsolete. Disastrous consequences lie in wait therefore unless these drugs are used prudently.
Broiler chicks show less tendon swelling, weight suppression in reovirus vaccine study
Apr 02, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Broiler chicks show less tendon swelling, weight suppression in reovirus vaccine study
A recent study showed that broiler chicks receiving higher reovirus antibody levels from conventionally vaccinated hens had a lower incidence of tendon swelling and were protected from weight...
Administration of a Salmonella Enteritidis to newly hatched broilers reduces colonisation and shedding of a Salmonella Enteritidis challenge strain
Mar 18, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Administration of a Salmonella Enteritidis to newly hatched broilers reduces colonisation and shedding of a Salmonella Enteritidis challenge strain
A new study in Belgium has revealed a strain of Salmonella Enteritidis which showed some promise to help reduce food-borne infections when given to chicks in the drinking water and was even more...
Poultry vet offers tips for managing vaccination programs for infectious bursal disease (IBD)
Feb 26, 2015Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry vet offers tips for managing vaccination programs for infectious bursal disease (IBD)
Producers have many options for vaccinating for infectious bursal disease (IBD), but there’s no blanket program for all operations or all seasons. Kalen Cookson, DVM, a veterinarian for Zoetis,...
Poultry disease identification made easier with test alteration
Dec 22, 2014Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Poultry disease identification made easier with test alteration
USDA scientists have found a way to make it easier to detect avian reticuloendotheliosis and Marek's disease by modifying an already available test.
Field trials show practical, economic benefits of E. coli vaccine in broilers
Nov 13, 2014Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Field trials show practical, economic benefits of E. coli vaccine in broilers
Recent studies on two continents have demonstrated that a modified-live vaccine reduced losses from Escherichia coli in broilers, even when the disease challenge was strong.
Increased CVI988 vaccine use credited with decline in Marek’s disease
Jan 15, 2014Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Increased CVI988 vaccine use credited with decline in Marek’s disease
Increased use of CVI988/Rispens vaccines is credited with declines in the incidence of Marek’s disease (MD), according to investigators from USDA‘s Agricultural Research Service.
Single dose of Poulvac IBMM+Ark protects long-lived broilers for at least 9 weeks
Jan 15, 2014Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Single dose of Poulvac IBMM+Ark protects long-lived broilers for at least 9 weeks
One dose of the live, attenuated vaccine Poulvac® IBMM+Ark effectively protected broilers against two infectious bronchitis (IB) strains for at least 9 weeks, a recent study shows.
Better protection shown with recommended Marek’s disease vaccine dose in two genetic lines
Jan 15, 2014Jennifer GrullonComments Off on Better protection shown with recommended Marek’s disease vaccine dose in two genetic lines
The recommended dose of two Marek’s disease virus (MDV) vaccines provided better protection in two genetic lines of meat-type chickens compared to a lower dose, the results of a recent study show,...