Eight ways to protect your farm from avian flu this fall
Bracing for the potential outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the US this fall as wild birds migrate south from Canada, the National Chicken Council (NCC) has identified eight biosecurity principles for broiler and broiler-breeder producers.
- Limit visitors on the farm and minimizing foot traffic
- Avoid contact with wild and domestic fowl
- Avoid sharing farm equipment
- Place a clean and functioning footbath at each entrance to the broiler house
- Cover all feed and water sources and make sure they’re free of contaminants, limiting the attraction of wild fowl and pests
- Post official signage clearly stating the farm is a biosecure zone and any unauthorized entry is strictly prohibited
- Employ effective management practices for pests and wild birds
- Adequately train farmers, farm and company personal in biosecurity and disease prevention
“Rigorous implementation of biosecurity principles will be essential to
preventing disease introduction onto broiler chicken operations,”
said NCC President Mike Brown.
Need more details? Click here.
Posted on August 25, 2015