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... UK researchers: Watch for emerging, more infectious strains of avian flu virus

According to research led by The Pirbright Institute, UK, infection with two strains of avian flu virus could lead to the emergence of a new strain with the potential to jump from birds to humans.

... Lockdown mode urged with avian flu outbreaks in Mississippi and Central Flyways

A warning to tighten up biosecurity and reduce movement in and out of poultry houses was issued by Terry Conger, DVM, poultry health epidemiologist with USDA’s APHIS.

... Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Indiana commercial turkey flock

USDA's APHIS has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a commercial turkey flock in Dubois County, IN, the first confirmed case in commercial poultry in the US since 2020.

... Yeast protein could help tackle China’s Avian ‘Flu problem’

A protein found in yeast could help scientists in China tackle avian influenza in poultry flocks.

... Mobile app to help Egyptian poultry farmers control disease

Egyptian poultry producers are set to benefit from a high-tech tool designed to help them identify early signs of avian influenza and other poultry diseases.

... Compartmentalization key to global avian flu control

Standardizing biosecurity measures across the poultry sector is key to protecting birds from avian influenza and ensuring outbreaks do not decimate trade, according to a poultry health expert.

... AI vaccination needed in China to prevent global pandemic, scientists say

Vaccination against avian influenza must become a standard procedure in China to avoid the risk of the the disease mutating and becoming a global pandemic, scientists have warned.

... China urged to take tougher measures against avian flu

Producers in China need to make greater efforts to prevent and control the spread of the H7N9 influenza virus, according to an animal health expert.

... Experts warn of red mite risk thanks to avian flu

Forced housing of poultry due to avian influenza is likely to lead to a higher risk of red mite infestation in flocks this spring, vets have warned.

... Farm uses lasers to guard hens from avian influenza

Orchard Eggs, based in West Sussex, is using Dutch laser technology to scare off wild migratory birds and prevent them from mixing with the farm’s outdoor flock and protect them from avian flu.

... Biosecurity key to combating US avian flu threat

Farm biosecurity remains US poultry producers’ key defense in making sure they are protected from the potentially devastating effects of avian influenza, say officials.

... Avian influenza in the US: High-path, low-path and its link to other poultry diseases

David Swayne, DVM, PhD, a research veterinarian at USDA with more than 30 years' experience with avian influenza, talks to Poultry Health Today about the dreaded virus — how it travels, the...

... Video provides practical biosecurity tips for poultry

A training video that provides practical biosecurity tips for protecting commercial poultry flocks from avian influenza and other infectious diseases has been developed by the University of Maryland...

... Eight ways to protect your farm from avian flu this fall

To prepare for the avian flu this fall, the National Chicken Council (NCC) has identified eight biosecurity principles for broiler and broiler-breeder producers.

... Flu panel examines US control efforts, impacts on trade

With well over 200 outbreaks affecting more than 47 million poultry over the last six months, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is hitting the US poultry industry hard.

... Avian flu cases in US expected to decline with warmer temperatures

USDA is predicting that avian influenza cases will drop off during the spring and summer months. Increased temperatures, decreased humidity and longer periods of ultraviolet light all play a role in...

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