Avian flu cases in US expected to decline with warmer temperatures
USDA is predicting that avian influenza cases will drop off during the spring and summer months providing much needed relief for poultry producers. Increased temperatures, decreased humidity and longer periods of ultraviolet light all play a role in killing the virus.
Unfortunately, avian influenza will likely return in the fall possible spreading to the Eastern US, according to a report by WattAgNet.com.
To date, avian influenza cases have only been detected within the Pacific, Central and Mississippi flyways, but people should not rule out the possibility of the virus spreading to the Atlantic flyway. The furthest east the virus as been confirmed in North America in 2015 has been near Woodstock, Ontario, north of Lake Erie.
“These birds don’t just stay in one flyway. There is some crossover. We would anticipate if we see the virus again in the fall, we are likely to see it in all four flyways,” said USDA Chief Veterinary Officer John Clifford.
Posted on July 21, 2015