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... Now more than ever, vaccination is critical for managing Salmonella in layer flocks

TOOLBOX, Issue 22: An interview with Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM, Director of Clinical Research, Zoetis

... Vaccinated birds shown to have lower incidence of Salmonella at processing

Broilers vaccinated against Salmonella showed reduced levels of the pathogen at processing in a recent study, according to Charles Hofacre, PhD, president, Southern Poultry Research Group. Inc.

... When vaccinating broilers against Salmonella may be worthwhile

Vaccinating broilers is a big investment and may not be needed on all farms, but it can be a worthwhile move if there are high loads of Salmonella coming into the processing plant.

... Moving up: Vaccinating broilers may help poultry companies improve Salmonella ratings

Vaccinating broilers against Salmonella could be an effective live-side intervention for obtaining higher ratings in the Salmonella categorizations established by the USDA’s FSIS

... Poultry experts identify weak links in live production that can compromise Salmonella control

Improved Salmonella control requires fixing weak links in live production that allow the pathogen to get into a flock, poultry experts advised during an industry roundtable.

... ‘Take a holistic approach’ to get the most from Salmonella vaccination

TOOLBOX, Issue 4: An interview with Marco Quiroz, DVM, Zoetis

... Vaccination of broilers ‘quick and easy’ way to get Salmonella under control

Vaccination of broilers against Salmonella may be the best and most expedient option for producers struggling to meet USDA performance standards at the processing plant, said Chuck Hofacre, DVM, PhD,...

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