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Poultry veterinarian named to AVMA Future Leaders program

Tak Niino, VMD, a senior poultry technical services representative for Zoetis, was one of 10 veterinarians in different fields selected to the Future Leaders program of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

The announcement was made at the 2017 AVMA Conference in Indianapolis.

The Future Leaders program is a 1-year curriculum that hones the strengths and leadership skills of veterinarians who have graduated from veterinary school within the past 15 years.

According to AVMA, the program aims to advance veterinary medicine, the veterinary workplace and society as a whole.

Before joining Zoetis in 2015, Niino received his veterinary degree at the University of Pennsylvania and master’s degree in poultry health management from North Carolina State University. He is based in Cary, North Carolina.



Posted on July 23, 2017

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