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Tag Archive:

... AAAP issues call for papers for 2019 conference

The American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) is now accepting abstract submissions for its 2019 conference, Aug. 2-6, Washington, DC. The deadline is Dec. 3, 2018.

... World’s poultry health experts flock to Denver for 61st AAAP conference

Poultry health professionals from more than 25 countries will gather in Denver, Colorado, July 13-17, to get the latest research, innovations and insights on disease management, biosecurity,...

... AAAP premieres video at 60th annual conference

A video saluting accomplishments of the American Association of Avian Pathologists made its debut on the closing night of the group’s 60th annual conference.

... Poultry veterinarians need to be the ‘voice of the birds’

Veterinarians need to be more proactive and be the “voice of the birds” on issues related to health and well-being, according to Nancy Reimers, DVM, chair of the Animal Welfare Committee, AAAP.

... Poultry disease specialists from more than 25 countries to gather in Indianapolis for 60th AAAP Conference

Poultry veterinarians and disease specialists from more than 25 countries will gather in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 21-25, for the 60th annual conference of the American Association of Avian...

... Foster Farms’ vet shares tips for managing a food-safety crisis in the poultry industry

You’re a veterinarian at a major poultry company that’s just been slammed by a food-safety crisis. Can you imagine what that’s like? And more important, would you know what to do?

... Broiler study shows challenges and potential of drug-free production

Broilers raised in a drug-free program had a higher feed-conversion ratio (FCR), decreased mean daily weight and decreased mean live marketing weight despite administration of antibiotic

... AAAP-AVMA antimicrobial guidelines stress good management, judicious use

Recent guidelines from the American Association of Avian Pathologists and the American Veterinary Medical Association outline the judicious therapeutic use of antimicrobials while focusing on the...

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