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AAAP premieres video at 60th annual conference

INDIANAPOLIS, July 25 — A video saluting accomplishments of the American Association of Avian Pathologists made its debut on the closing night of the group’s 60th annual conference.

Much to the audience’s surprise, the video included scenes and interview sound bites recorded onsite at this year’s four-day conference, held in Indianapolis in conjunction with the American Veterinary Medical Association’s annual meeting.

The AAAP video also featured a trailer called “Members in Action,” which included dozens of memorable images contributed by members and other industry sources.

“The idea was to make our members the stars of the show while highlighting their many contributions to the world poultry industry,” explained Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, a consulting poultry veterinarian who serves as executive vice president of AAAP.

The video was written and directed pro bono by Joseph Feeks of PR Works, who also serves as editor of Poultry Health Today. Production costs were underwritten by the poultry business of Zoetis.


Watch the video:



Posted on July 25, 2017

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