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... Circulation fans reduce severity of footpad dermatitis

Footpad dermatitis causes significant foot problems for broilers, which adversely affects bird welfare and the market for broiler paws, according to research from the University of Maryland.

... As seasons change, hatchery ventilation is key chick-quality concern

TOOLBOX, Issue 26: An interview with Chris Williams, PhD, Director, Technical Services Devices, Zoetis on the impact of hatchery ventilation on chick quality.

... Litter problems persist

By Tom Tabler, PhD, Extension Professor, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Poultry Science Department, Mississippi State, MS

... Broiler-house management is key to preventing winter respiratory disease

By Tak Niino, VMD Technical services veterinarian Zoetis Inc.

... Temperature, relative humidity, bird size affect broiler-house ventilation

Optimal air quality in tunnel-ventilated broiler houses is a function of temperature, relative humidity, bird heat production and air velocity, according to new research conducted at the University...

... Producing Grade A chicken starts in the broiler house

In order to produce Grade A chicken at the processing plant, poultry producers must place healthy chicks and maintain bird quality throughout the life cycle.

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