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... Circulation fans reduce severity of footpad dermatitis

Footpad dermatitis causes significant foot problems for broilers, which adversely affects bird welfare and the market for broiler paws, according to research from the University of Maryland.

... Footpad dermatitis a greater concern in chickens grown to older ages

Footpad dermatitis is more likely to be a problem among broilers grown to an older age, but it can be remedied if producers intervene in time, Tom Tabler, PhD, professor with Mississippi State...

... Wet litter, footpad dermatitis tied to reduced broiler performance

Increased litter moisture not only led to severe footpad dermatitis (FPD) in broilers, it reduced other aspects of animal welfare and negatively affected performance and carcass yield.

... The “Huddling Syndrome” in the southeastern US broiler chicken industry: on-going investigations

By Drs. Alexis Kiers, Samantha Pohl, Holly Sellers, Monique Franca, Brian Jordan, Stephen Roney Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

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