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Magazine – Issue 6

Cover Stories

  • Egg Forks Ss372037798 Cr 176x108
    Striking a balance with ABF poultry production - Back in 2013, less than 5% of the chicken produced in the US was raised without antibiotics. That number could reach 25% to 30% within 5 years. How is the poultry industry adjusting?
  • Hand Bar Graph Ss203221546 Cr Border 176x108
    Fast growth seen for ABF poultry production, but for how long? - To see how the antibiotic-free (ABF) production trend is playing out with producers’ plans, Poultry Health Today turned to Greg Rennier, PhD, a poultry-market research specialist who tracks product usage in the industry.
  • View From Border G481079616 Sr Cr 176x108
    View from Europe on ABF - Striving for responsible antibiotic use may be a better strategy than going 100% antibiotic-free, according to a gut-disease specialist.

Special Report

Sound Science


  • PHT6web SScience Lasalocid Ss496180585cr 176x108
    New lasalocid MRLs relieve export restrictions for broilers - Broiler producers who want more diversity in their anticoccidial-rotation plan can now consider the ionophore lasalocid without worrying about it putting a damper on exports, says Jon Schaeffer, DVM, director of poultry veterinary services, Zoetis.

Expert Advice

Food Safety

On the Record

  • PHTweb Flynn 9066 Sr Cr 176x108
    Interpreting the language of the new VFD rule - In a candid 90-minute interview, William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, clarified some hazy points of the new veterinary feed directive (VFD) regulations.

Words & Numbers

The Last Word

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