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... Research facility opened to help track and diagnose avian influenza outbreaks

Scientists’ ability to respond to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza and other emerging poultry diseases have been given a boost with the opening of an innovative research unit.

... Industry needs more poultry scientists to tackle disease challenges

More young people need to be encouraged to take up careers in poultry science if the sector is to properly tackle disease challenges which have plagued it for decades.

... Analysis of antimicrobial data confirms human-animal link

A new study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) shows that there are also important differences in the consumption of antimicrobials in animals and in humans between European countries.

... Administration of a Salmonella Enteritidis to newly hatched broilers reduces colonisation and shedding of a Salmonella Enteritidis challenge strain

A new study in Belgium has revealed a strain of Salmonella Enteritidis which showed some promise to help reduce food-borne infections when given to chicks in the drinking water and was even more...

... Animal antibiotic study launched by Colorado State University

Colorado State University researchers are conducting a series of studies to track antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the animal agriculture industry in an effort to determine if farm practices are...

... Isolation of Campylobacter from the circulating blood of broilers

From a poultry processing viewpoint, Campylobacter presence in circulating blood of market-age broilers may increase the likelihood of cross-contamination between birds during slaughter.

... Doing a 180: A little education goes a long way toward changing customers’ attitudes about antibiotics

Back in 2008, Pfizer Animal Health (now Zoetis Inc.) conducted market research to get a better handle on consumer opinions about the use of antibiotics...

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