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... Pre-harvest controls vital to tackling Salmonella prevalence

Producers must voluntarily adopt pre-harvest interventions to help reduce the prevalence of Salmonella in US poultry products, according to experts. Read about the USDA proposed regulations.

... Research facility opened to help track and diagnose avian influenza outbreaks

Scientists’ ability to respond to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza and other emerging poultry diseases have been given a boost with the opening of an innovative research unit.

... USDA evaluating Salmonella-reduction steps along the poultry supply chain

Almost 25% of US foodborne illnesses continue to be linked to poultry products. To get an accurate measure of product contamination, USDA is evaluating the poultry supply chain.

... Integrated plan with live production needed to meet new Salmonella standards

Poultry companies struggling to meet higher USDA standards for Salmonella need to increase control efforts in live production to help avoid the dreaded Category 3.

... Poultry producers facing higher hurdles with USDA food-safety standards

Poultry producers can expect to jump higher hurdles as USDA continues to raise the bar for food safety.

... New standards for foodborne pathogens expanding control programs to live production

A rise in the prevalence of Salmonella on whole chicken carcasses since USDA changed the testing medium used could indicate the prevalence of the pathogen was previously underestimated.

... Avian influenza in the US: High-path, low-path and its link to other poultry diseases

David Swayne, DVM, PhD, a research veterinarian at USDA with more than 30 years' experience with avian influenza, talks to Poultry Health Today about the dreaded virus — how it travels, the...

... NCC scientist: Food safety is everyone’s job

Food safety is a chain stretching from producers to consumers. Ashley Peterson, PhD, of the National Chicken Council, shared her insights at the recent “Young Chicken Gross Pathology Workshop” at...

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