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... More collaboration needed to drive housing welfare standards

Greater collaboration between producers, veterinarians, engineers and scientists is needed to design housing systems that offer the highest levels of hen welfare, according to a leading geneticist.

... Taking a holistic approach to poultry health

Poultry companies need to adopt a "more holistic approach" to poultry medicine — one that considers the birds' environment and other variables that can affect vaccine and antibiotic performance,...

... Waste-heat recovery system could save millions annually while improving air quality

A team of researchers and engineers from the University of Missouri has developed a waste-heat recovery system that could lead to significant savings in propane costs for producers heating their...

... Temperature, relative humidity, bird size affect broiler-house ventilation

Optimal air quality in tunnel-ventilated broiler houses is a function of temperature, relative humidity, bird heat production and air velocity, according to new research conducted at the University...

... Ammonia concentration versus ventilation rate

Monitoring ammonia levels in poultry houses can help producers to adjust ventilation rates and thus prevent problems.

... Reduce odor from manure with free online tool

A team of Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach specialists have developed an online tool to help livestock and poultry producers compare odor mitigation techniques that could be useful...

... Poultry disease prevention checklist

Dr Casey Ritz of the University of Georgia presents a checklist for poultry farmers to assess the biosecurity risk on their farm.

... Impact of lighting types on broiler performance

A study at the University of Delaware shows that broiler performance in terms of breast and body weights was similar for two poultry-specific LED lamps and incandescent lamps and better than for

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