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VFD Ss373851115 Cr

Veterinarians can test drive VFD process by issuing a ‘VFR’

Looking to get some practice writing veterinary feed directives (VFD) before the new rules kick in January 1?

Try writing a VFR or a veterinary feed record, a new, optional tool that lets veterinarians manage and track non-VFD feed antibiotics such as bacitracin.

Available through GlobalVetLINK, VFRs let veterinarians take the VFD process for a test drive before the new VFD rules take effect.

“Our users wanted a way to practice writing VFDs for the drugs that will transition on January 1, but the FDA insists that VFDs can only be written for current VFD drugs,” explains Kaylen Henry, GVL product manager.

“Working with our vet customers, we developed VFRs to help our clients prepare for the VFD changes and get an idea of how their VFD process will work.”

One other benefit of these practice runs: VFRs let veterinarians track use of non-VFD antibiotics to support evidence of a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship, a prerequisite for using VFD medications.

VFRs are non-regulatory documents for record-keeping purposes only and do not replace a VFD. “We setup VFRs so that the expiration date cannot be set for after December 31 for any transition drug,” Henry added. “This helps prevent any confusion over a VFR versus a VFD.”

How VFRs work:

  • VFRs are different from VFDs, so GVL’s FeedLINK electronic VFD system indicates when a VFR is being written.
  • Veterinarians can digitally send a VFR to feed distributors and clients/owners, similar to how they would send a VFD.
  • The VFR is maintained in an online, secure GVL account for minimum 2 years.

A current list of the active VFR products in FeedLINK is available at globalvetlink.com/products/feedlink/veterinaryfeedrecords.



Posted on October 30, 2016

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