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... Recombinant vaccines for poultry: How to maximize results

Proper vaccine handling, dosage and administration are key to ensuring thorough and effective coverage. That statement is particularly true when talking about recombinant-vector vaccines.

... Marek’s disease vaccination needed now more than ever

By Guillermo Zavala, DVM, MAM, MSc, PhD, Dipl. ACPV Adjunct Professor, University of Georgia President, Avian Health International, LLC Flowery Branch, Georgia (USA)

... ND is stable in US but poultry industry should be on lookout for evolving strains

Newcastle disease throughout most of the US remains stable, but the industry needs to be on guard for changes in the virus that may require adaption of ND vaccines.

... Controlling infectious bronchitis in broilers starts with breeder vaccination

Protocols vary widely, but vaccinating broiler breeders against infectious bronchitis virus remains an important strategy for protecting broiler progeny against the virus.

... Aggressive vaccination of broiler breeders needed to keep reovirus in check

Aggressive vaccination of broiler breeders for reovirus using live and inactivated vaccines has been one of the most important steps the US poultry industry has taken to maintain good protection...

... Halting in ovo vaccination not a good option for managing hatchery bacteria

Higher 7-day mortality from bacterial infections in the hatchery is no reason to stop in ovo vaccination for Marek’s and other diseases, according to a consulting poultry veterinarian.

... Foregoing CAV breeder vaccination based on ELISA results can backfire

Not vaccinating broiler breeders for chicken anemia virus (CAV) because ELISA results show detectable antibodies could be asking for trouble, says Guillermo Zavala, DVM, PhD, Avian Health...

... Infectious bronchitis: The ‘eye of the storm’ for chicken health

Ask any poultry producer about the most economically important disease in broilers, breeders or layers. Infectious bronchitis (IB) almost always tops the list and could best be described as the...

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