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Free food safety booklet showcases poultry industry ideas for tackling Salmonella

PHT PGT20universal20article20icon 150 TurReducing the prevalence of foodborne Salmonella is essential if poultry companies are to improve food safety and pass muster with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service performance standards.

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that interventions to minimize Salmonella in poultry have to start during live production and continue through all the way to processing,” said Jon Schaeffer, DVM, PhD, director, poultry technical services, Zoetis.

“The best results are likely to be achieved when live production and processing work together toward a common goal.”

To help the industry unite live production and processing, Zoetis brought together panelists representing both segments of the industry to share their expertise and offer advice about how to improve control of Salmonella.

At the roundtable, “Coming together for food safety,” panelists shared their experience regarding the impact of FSIS categories on customer business.

They discussed obstacles to integrated Salmonella control as well as pitfalls that hinder efforts to minimize the pathogen’s prevalence. Practical ideas about how to bring processing and live production together for the common good were also presented.


Poultry Health Today editors have developed a booklet with highlights of the discussion. For a free copy, click here.


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Reducing the prevalence of foodborne Salmonella is essential if poultry companies are to improve food safety and pass muster with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service performance standards.

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Posted on September 9, 2021


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