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PHTweb Chicken Wings 294254557

‘Winging it’ on Super Bowl Sunday? Remember who made it possible

Planning to devour a few chicken wings on Super Bowl Sunday?

Remember to raise a glass to the poultry producers and veterinarians who raised the 355 million healthy birds needed to produce the 1.42 billion wings that will be consumed by ravenous football fans before, during and after the big game.

In case that math isn’t working out for you, remember that each chicken yields four meaty wing parts — two drumettes and two wingettes — that are used with most chicken-wing recipes. That translates to four culinary “wings” from each bird.

And American football fans consume lots of wings.

Here are a few points to ponder while the upstart Cincinnati Bengals clash with the Los Angeles Rams, courtesy of the 2022 Wing Report issued by the National Chicken Council (NCC):

  • 1.42 billion wings could circle the circumference of the Earth at least three times.
  • Assuming Molly Schuyler, the world record holder for eating 501 wings in 30 minutes, could keep this pace up, it would take her 162 years to eat 1.42 billion wings.
  • If each wing were one second, 1.42 billion wings would be a little more than 45 years.
  • It would take 17,108 bitcoins to purchase 1.42 billion wings (as of 1/28/22, one Bitcoin is $36,418).
  • More than half of the people eating chicken wings prefer to dip them in ranch dressing.

“Demand for chicken wings has been through the roof since the beginning of the pandemic,” said NCC spokesperson, Tom Super.

“A shift from sit-down restaurants to takeout and quick service has boosted chicken-wing consumption. Restaurants like wing joints and pizza places were built around takeout and delivery, and as long as people are sitting around watching TV and maybe drinking a beer, wings will remain in the game.”

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Planning to devour a few chicken wings on Super Bowl Sunday? Remember to raise a glass to the poultry producers and veterinarians who raised those healthy birds.

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Posted on February 10, 2022


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