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... Preventive measures are only option for combatting key parasites in turkeys

Turkey producers will need to rely on preventive measures including biosecurity, good gut health and  genetic selection to combat three key flagellated protozoan parasites that can affect their...

... Studies in chickens could lead to blackhead control in turkeys

Broiler breeders are an ideal carrier for Histomonas — the cause of blackhead disease — but unlike turkeys that often die from the infection, broiler breeders survive.

... Controlling coccidiosis helps prevent histomoniasis in broiler pullets

The incidence of histomoniasis, commonly known as blackhead disease, is increasing in Southeastern US broiler-breeding operations — and young breeders 25 to 30 weeks old seem particularly...

... Blackhead disease causes reduced egg production in layer hens

Blackhead disease can cause an important drop in egg production among commercial layer hens, Christina Sigmon of North Carolina State University, said during the 2018 International Poultry Scientific...

... Loose stools linked to blackhead disease transmission in turkeys

Enteric inflammation and loose stools can affect the rate that turkeys contract blackhead disease.

... Alternative therapies called best long-term hope for blackhead disease in turkeys

Alternative treatments may be the only long-term hope for managing blackhead in turkeys, said Robert Beckstead, PhD, turkey health specialist, North Carolina State University.

... Shortage of medications remains top issue for US turkey industry

A shortage of effective, FDA-approved medications is still the top health issue for the US turkey industry, according to a survey conducted by a turkey veterinarian.

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