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... What does it take to be a successful poultry grower? Experts share their views

Successful contract poultry farmers are hard workers, detail oriented and must literally serve as the gatekeepers of biosecurity, several experts and industry insiders say.

... Mountaire Farms is first company to carry the One Health Certified label

Mountaire Farms is the first animal protein company to carry the One Health Certified label, demonstrating its commitment to animal production standards established by the program.

... One Health Certified label seeks balanced approach to poultry production, marketing

A new label under development for meat and poultry products will represent production that seeks a balanced approach to poultry production and marketing.

... Mountaire stands on middle ground in antibiotic debate

While the all-or-nothing debate about the use of antibiotics in commercial poultry continues, Mountaire Farms is standing on solid middle ground, said Don Ritter, DVM.

... Successful Marek’s disease vaccination: The devil is in the details

By Don Ritter, DVM, ACPV Senior Director of Health Services and Food Safety Mountaire Farms Inc.

... Mountaire veterinarian discusses managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection

Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, details the company’s recent bout with IB in broilers and the costly secondary infection of E. coli that followed.

... Managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection

Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, Millsboro, Delaware, details the company’s recent bout with infectious bronchitis in broilers and the costly secondary infection of E. coli that followed.

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