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Topics In Food And Agriculture

Newsletter identifies top 5 topics in food and agriculture

GMOs, organic foods, food safety, farm stewardship and antibiotics were the “most highly discussed” food and agriculture topics by the US media and top influencers in the second half of 2015, according to the latest edition of Influence Feed.

“GMO labeling took the spotlight, primarily following congressional debates about state and national labeling rules,” reported the biweekly newsletter published by the US poultry business of Zoetis.

Food safety grew in volume due to reports about the safety of organic foods as well as an E. coli outbreak at Chipotle Mexican Grill. In addition, the newsletter said, influencers addressed the stewardship of farmland resources in the face of climate change and antibiotic use for poultry and other food animals.

This week’s edition of Influence Feed also looks at what influencers are saying about new dietary guidelines published by USDA the Department of Health and Human Services, Chipotle’s ongoing food-safety woes, the cage-free egg trend and new developments with country of origin labeling (COOL).

Influence Feed is a biweekly newsletter delivering ongoing information and analysis of the most prominent issues, events and conversations affecting the industry today. These updates are culled from the online and conventional output of the 1,200 most influential voices across all segments of food and agriculture. The newsletter puts a special focus on those individuals who affect consumer purchasing decisions, such as prominent researchers, channel executives, chefs, journalists and activists.

For more information or to sign up for a free subscription, visit influencefeed.com.


Posted on January 12, 2016

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