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VFD PHT Guidelines Ss280003901 Cr

FDA issues final guidelines for VFD forms

FDA has issued final guidelines for veterinary feed directive (VFD) forms that veterinarians will issue when authorizing the use of a medicated feed additive containing an antibiotic deemed medically important.

Officially known as Guidance for Industry No. 233, the document provides examples that illustrate how a common VFD format might appear and how some of the information on the VFD may be pre-populated by an animal health company.

“By recommending a common format, the draft guidance is expected to help veterinarians, distributors (including feed mills), and animal producers quickly identify relevant information on a VFD order,” FDA said in a statement. “A common format is also expected to reduce the risk of a veterinarian making an error or leaving out required information when filling in the form.”

For a copy of the document, click here or visit the VFD News Center library.

Posted on November 2, 2016

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