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... Routine testing for IB vaccine takes can improve performance and profits

TOOLBOX, Issue 36: An interview with Manuel Da Costa, DVM, PhD, Associate Director, Outcomes Research, Zoetis

... E. coli vaccination can lead to higher egg numbers, study suggests

Vaccinating birds against Escherichia coli can have production benefits, as well as protecting birds from the disease, researchers have found.

... Poulvac® ST cross-protects against different Salmonella serotypes

Salmonella vaccination is a vital part of an integrated approach to reducing the Salmonella load during the broiler life cycle.

... Good gut health can help minimize Salmonella in broilers

TOOLBOX, Issue 14: An interview with Manuel Da Costa, DVM, PhD, Associate Director, Outcomes Research, Zoetis

... S. Heidelberg load reduced in chicks treated with acidified water the first 2 weeks of life

DISCOVERIES, Issue 9: Chicks that received acidified water for the first 2 weeks of life had a significantly reduced load of Salmonella Heidelberg, a challenge study demonstrates.

... When vaccinating broilers against Salmonella may be worthwhile

Vaccinating broilers is a big investment and may not be needed on all farms, but it can be a worthwhile move if there are high loads of Salmonella coming into the processing plant.

... Necrotic enteritis control helps reduce Salmonella colonization

Maintaining good intestinal health in broilers is essential for minimizing the presence of Salmonella in birds sent for processing, Manuel Da Costa, DVM, PhD, associate director for Outcomes Research...

... Non-ionophore anticoccidial may help manage necrotic enteritis in RWA flocks

Flocks raised without antibiotics (RWA) that received a non-ionophore anticoccidial after coccidiosis vaccination had fewer necrotic enteritis (NE) lesions, less mortality and better feed conversion...

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