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Editors Pick From Joe E1452201845108

New from Poultry Health Today: Editors’ Picks

Poultry Health Today has introduced Editors’ Picks — a new e-newsletter to showcase top stories and videos that busy readers might have missed the first time around.

For example, the first edition of Editors’ Picks featured Pathways to Protection, which focuses on how one poultry vaccine decision can affect options for managing other diseases.

In Breaches in Biosecurity, Sanderson Farms’ head veterinarian, Phil Stayer, DVM, focuses on three tough lessons his company has learned about managing biosecurity and keeping respiratory diseases at bay.

Another top story, The Case for Ionophores, looks at the poultry antibiotics policy announced last year by McDonald’s USA and why the fast-food giant might have given a pass to this widely used class of antimicrobials.

Click here to sign up for Poultry Health Today’s free weekly newsletters.


Posted on January 7, 2016


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