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Managing protozoal diseases in turkeys: There’s a lot we need to learn
Three experts from research, production and industry share their experiences and offer insights for addressing protozoal diseases in turkeys.
Back-to-basics for managing health of cage-free pullets
Poultry producers with cage-free pullet systems should go back to the basics of bird management to keep their flocks healthy and productive.
Automation key to ensuring sanitation in ‘no antibiotics ever’ systems
Labor shortages in hatcheries mean that to ensure appropriate levels of sanitation in “no antibiotics ever” production, wholesale automation is likely to be...
Circulation fans reduce severity of footpad dermatitis
Footpad dermatitis causes significant foot problems for broilers, which adversely affects bird welfare and the market for broiler paws, according to research from the...
Nutritionist: Understanding probiotics is key to managing them effectively in poultry
With the ever-increasing shift to “no-antibiotics-ever” (NAE) production, probiotics have become more common in poultry diets, said Elizabeth Bobeck, PhD, a...
Shedding light on LED lamps and dimmers: They’re not all a match
Getting the correct lighting is important in poultry houses to help maximize the birds’ genetic potential; however, too often there’s a disconnect between the LED...
Lameness in broilers: Osteomyelitis
By Stephen Collett, BScAgric, BVSc, MMedVet, MRCVS, DACPV Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia
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Research review: What’s new in poultry housing and equipment?
With animal welfare and the environmental aspects of food animal farming gaining more attention from the public and high feed prices focusing efforts on getting the...
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Guidance for Industry No 213
Provides recommendations and voluntary timelines to voluntarily implement the judicious use of antibiotics in ways that address public health concerns while maintaining...
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New studies examine effects of lighting on chickens
Two recent studies show that broilers perform better under LED lighting than fluorescent lamps while layer behaviour is affected by light wavelength.
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Organic raw poultry not necessarily safer
Organic raw poultry is not necessarily safer for consumption than conventionally raised poultry, indicates a study from the University of Tennessee.
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Better protection shown with recommended Marek’s disease vaccine dose in two genetic lines
The recommended dose of two Marek’s disease virus (MDV) vaccines provided better protection in two genetic lines of meat-type chickens compared to a lower dose, the...
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Windrowing litter can reduce pressure from poultry viruses, insects and bacteria
Poultry producers looking to improve litter quality and flock health should consider windrowing — a practice that not only works to control ammonia in the...
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Surveillance, careful vaccine selection tops “shoot-in-the-dark” strategy for IB control
Microbiologist Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia, urges producers not to “shoot in the dark” with infectious bronchitis vaccines and, instead, to focus on...
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Highlights of a roundtable discussion
In this lively roundtable discussion, a distinguished panel of experts share their candid insights on poultry health and food safety.
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Salmonella Proceedings
Preharvest Salmonella Control: Raising the Standard for Safe Poultry Highlights of a roundtable discussion More stringent standards implemented by USDA FSIS have put...
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