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... New avian leukosis rule expected to reduce waste, improve efficiency for processing plants and FSIS

Acceptance of a petition designating avian leukosis lesions on poultry carcasses as a trimmable condition is expected to reduce waste and improve efficiency at processing plants while allowing meat...

... USDA urged to give producers time to trial Campylobacter and Salmonella interventions

Greater flexibility is needed in official Salmonella and Campylobacter testing regimes in order to support poultry producers and processors who are trialing new interventions to tackle both

... US poultry industry shifting focus to Campylobacter, Salmonella Infantis

The US poultry industry needs to revisit Campylobacter-control strategies in preparation for new performance standards coming from USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Ashley Peterson,...

... Poultry producers facing higher hurdles with USDA food-safety standards

Poultry producers can expect to jump higher hurdles as USDA continues to raise the bar for food safety.

... Finding the right balance with antibiotics and flock welfare

Part 3: The issue of antibiotics in poultry continues to divide the poultry industry, with one side supporting routine preventive use and the other committed to raising birds without antibiotics.

... New rule, same baseline skews sampling for foodborne pathogens

Part 2: Last year, the US poultry industry switched from buffered peptone water to “neutralized” buffered peptone to reduce the risk of false negatives when sampling whole chickens and parts for...

... US broiler industry steadily reducing incidence of foodborne pathogens

Part 1: The US broiler industry is successfully and steadily reducing the prevalence of Salmonella and Campylobacter on chicken parts since the USDA’s new performance standards took effect.

... NCC scientist: Food safety is everyone’s job

Food safety is a chain stretching from producers to consumers. Ashley Peterson, PhD, of the National Chicken Council, shared her insights at the recent “Young Chicken Gross Pathology Workshop” at...

... Meeting the new USDA/FSIS standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in poultry

USDA/FSIS issued new standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in ground poultry meat and chicken and turkey parts.

... Specialists explore new options for managing flock health while defending judicious antibiotic use

Growing demand for poultry raised without food-animal antibiotics has put more pressure on veterinarians to find alternative yet dependable disease-control options, according to a panel of nine...

... Free 2015 AAAP Proceedings Booklet

Pressures to reduce or eliminate antibiotics from poultry production have created new health and welfare challenges for chickens and turkeys. In this lively roundtable discussion, poultry industry...

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