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Transparency or exaggeration?

In the past weeks we’ve taken note of two prominent foodservice companies using agricultural practices for marketing positioning. McDonald’s and Chipotle instigated influencer conversation by presenting two differing depictions of modern agriculture, one relying on transparency, the other exaggeration. Chipotle (formerly owned by McDonald’s) announced the release of a new Web series, Farmed and Dangerous, satirizing modern agriculture — and suggesting that conventional farming is unsafe. Meanwhile, a YouTube series from McDonald’s Canada answers customer questions and shows behind-the-scenes footage of the chain’s facilities, helping to demystify the production process of some of its leading menu items.

Other top stories address questions of food safety and sustainability, adding to influencer interest in how our food system works. For example, the International Production & Processing Expo in Atlanta showcased the latest improvements in food production. And of course, the U.S. Congress finally passed a new Farm Bill — ending years of gridlock but raising questions about the government’s concern for the meat industry.

Read about food fraud, Chipotle, IPPE and more at Influence Feed.

Posted on February 11, 2014


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