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... No simple answer to laying hen sustainability, scientists say

Enriched cages are the most sustainable layer housing systems in terms of profit, environmental and welfare criteria, experts say.

... Rainwater harvesting helps poultry farms reduce water dependency, save money

A new system for harvesting and storing rainwater from poultry barns provides birds with high quality water while reducing the grower’s dependency on local wells and municipal water systems.

... New veterinary diagnostic networks to aid poultry, livestock production in Sub-Sahara

With the help of a US$14.4 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation over the next 3 years, Zoetis announced plans to develop veterinary and outreach services to aid the growth of...

... Sanderson Farms vet shares views on sustainability, antibiotic-free and FDA’s new antimicrobial guidelines

Antibiotic-free poultry production is creating ethical conflicts for veterinarians while raising questions about sustainability, animal welfare and the industry’s ability to feed a growing...

... Sanderson’s Phil Stayer: ‘Sustainability is really nothing new for poultry’

Maintaining good intestinal health is particularly important for sustainability because the condition of the gut ultimately determines a flock’s growth rate and feed conversion.

... Sustainability: What on earth does it really mean? And how does it apply to poultry health?

In the poultry industry, sustainability trends are reshaping every link in the production chain. But what exactly does it mean for poultry to be “sustainable”?

... Sustainability: What does it mean to poultry health?

In agriculture, sustainability translates to producing more with less — a goal that morphs into a dire need when looking at global population trends. According to a recent UN report, food...

... British vets question health, welfare of free-range chickens

While activists tout the happier, healthier life of free-range chickens, veterinarians in Great Britain have expressed concern about their long-term sustainability and increased likelihood of a major...

... Sanderson CEO gives three reasons for sticking with antibiotics

Count Joe Sanderson Jr., chairman and CEO of Sanderson Farms, as being on the opposite side of the current movement to shift away from the use of antibiotics in poultry production, according to a...

... Leading welfare, food-safety groups urge chicken Industry to reduce antibiotics responsibly

ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and Center for Food Safety: "Eliminating the routine use of [antibiotics] without addressing the birds’ underlying health problems...

... Shrewd moves: Like a chess match, anticoccidial rotation is a game of strategy at Wayne Farms

Your next move might address an immediate need, but it also could determine what pieces are still standing later in the match.

... Defining, and demonstrating, sustainability in the poultry industry

Billy Hargis, PhD, University of Arkansas, thinks the US poultry industry has already set high standards for sustainability, but its efforts are largely misunderstood and unappreciated.

... Industry roundtable: Raising poultry without antibiotics

Antibiotic-free poultry production remains uncharted territory that’s yielding varied results, a few surprises and an ethical dilemma for veterinarians, poultry experts said at an industry...

... University of Arkansas faculty lead Poultry Sustainability Summit at International Conference

University of Arkansas professors Marty Matlock and Greg Thoma led a sustainability workshop at the 2015 International Production and Processing Expo in Atlanta, Georgia.

... Sanderson Farms’ Phil Stayer: ‘Mortality is the first measure of wellbeing’

Phil Stayer, DVM, of Sanderson Farms says poultry health, welfare and sustainability should not be compromised for marketing purposes.

... Sustainability: ‘It’s about continuous improvement’

Marty Matlock and Gregory Thoma of the University of Arkansas define sustainability as “continuous improvement” and discuss both the track record and the challenges of today’s poultry

... IPSF: Feed Sustainability in Theory and Practice

US - On the opening day of the International Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF) in Atlanta, 26 January, sustainability of the feed sector was among the topics addressed.

... A look at animal wellbeing in the poultry industry

Yvonne Vizzier Thaxton talks about animal wellbeing–the entire system of the animal including general health, behavior, nutrition, disease prevention–and how it contributes to...

... Roundtable highlights: Raising poultry without antibiotics

Antibiotic-free poultry production remains uncharted territory that’s yielding varied results, a few surprises and an ethical dilemma for veterinarians, poultry experts said at an industry...

... Sustainability ‘most highly discussed topic’ in poultry industry

Sustainability was the “most highly discussed topic” in the poultry industry during the second half of 2014, according to the current issue of Influence Feed, a newsletter published by Zoetis.

... Too busy for sustainability? Think again

Sure, sustainability is a sound and noble concept — something everyone needs to think about and practice — but try telling that to a veterinarian or producer in the middle of an infectious...

... Five ways to put sustainability into action today

So how can commercial poultry producers make their poultry-health programs more sustainable — ethically, environmentally and economically?

... Sustainability tops list of poultry topics during first half of 2014

Sustainability was the most highly discussed topic in the US poultry industry during the first half of 2014, according to an analysis by Influence Feed.

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