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Sustainability: What on earth does it really mean? And how does it apply to poultry health?

Sustainability, sustainability, sustainability.

You can’t pick up a farm or business journal these days without being assaulted by what could easily be the buzzword of the decade.

Make no mistake, sustainability is an important target for any business, in any industry. It’s also paramount to consumers. According to a 2012 Nielsen survey, two out of three consumers say they prefer to buy products from companies that they believe to be socially and environmentally responsible.

In the poultry industry, these trends are reshaping every link in the production chain. But what exactly does it mean for poultry to be “sustainable”? Does poultry health play a role in meeting this objective? And does the industry’s idea of sustainability align with its customers’?

Poultry Health Today editors cut through the rhetoric, sought opinions from scientists and examined the numbers to learn how the concepts of sustainability apply to day-to-day, flock-health programs.

For more articles in the special report on sustainability, click on the titles below:

Tossing around the ‘S’ word: What sustainability means to poultry health

Five ways to put sustainability into action today

Too busy for sustainability? Think again

Posted on September 10, 2015


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