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... Why ‘vaccinated’ chickens still get infected with IBV — and what to do about it

While many vaccines and vaccination programs effectively protect against the highly contagious infectious bronchitis virus in poultry, outbreaks of the disease still occur in vaccinated flocks.

... Periodic IBV PCR testing is key to ensuring vaccination efficacy

Complexes should regularly evaluate the infectious bronchitis viruses (IBV) prevalent on their farms to help determine which vaccines can provide the best protection possible.

... Cross-protection vaccine protocols key to limiting DMV/1639 spread in US flocks

Combining serotype vaccines might be a popular approach to protecting flocks against evolving strains of infectious bronchitis virus, such as DMV/1639, but not all combinations work equally well.

... Poultry experts cite frustration with infectious bronchitis variants

New, variant strains of infectious bronchitis virus in poultry will continue to emerge, but their control may depend primarily on strategic vaccination protocols that provide cross-protection from...

... Selection of IBV GA 08 vaccine, proper administration can minimize reactions

TOOLBOX, Issue 10: An interview with Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM, Director of Clinical Research, Zoetis

... IBV vaccination protects broilers despite ammonia exposure

A recent study corroborates previous findings that broilers properly vaccinated for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) are protected from IBV challenge despite exposure to moderate levels of ammonia.

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