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... Vegetative buffers yield many benefits for poultry farms

Vegetative buffers offer aesthetic, poultry-management and disease-control benefits to producers, in addition to showing the farm’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for next-generation poultry biosecurity tools

Researchers in Canada are looking to human hospitals as inspiration for developing next-generation techniques to improve biosecurity on poultry farms.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 1: Two principles of biosecurity

Watch Part 1 of the interview on poultry industry biosecurity.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 2: Communication is key

Watch Part 2 of the interview on poultry industry biosecurity.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 3: Transportation biosecurity

Watch Part 3 of the interview on poultry industry biosecurity.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 4: Hospital technology to the rescue

Watch Part 4 of the interview on poultry industry biosecurity.

... Import restrictions enforced after avian flu outbreaks in Africa

Live chicken imports have been restricted in Zambia has part of the government’s efforts to limit the resurgence of a highly pathogenic form of avian influenza (HPAI).

... Organic poultry consumers should understand disease-control challenges

Growing demand for eggs and poultry produced from outdoor flocks requires greater consumer understanding about the challenges farmers face in protecting birds from avian influenza.

... Administration of a Salmonella Enteritidis to newly hatched broilers reduces colonisation and shedding of a Salmonella Enteritidis challenge strain

A new study in Belgium has revealed a strain of Salmonella Enteritidis which showed some promise to help reduce food-borne infections when given to chicks in the drinking water and was even more...

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