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... Measuring temperature of birds’ faces could help identify heat stress in flocks

Use of thermal imaging cameras to measure facial temperatures may offer a non-invasive option for assessing heat stress in commercial broilers, according to research from the University of Arkansas.

... 5 steps to preventing heat stress in layers

By John Brown, DVM, Senior Technical Services Veterinarian Zoetis

... Check equipment now to help birds withstand summer heat

By Jess Campbell, Jeremiah Davis and Kelly Griggs, National Poultry Technology Center, Auburn University

... Prepare now for summer heat, humidity

By Tom Tabler, PhD, Extension Professor, Mississippi State University Extension Service, Poultry Science Department, Mississippi State, Mississippi

... Heat-stress study shows need to increase ventilation with stocking density

As bird density increases, broiler producers need to be “more aggressive” with house ventilation to prevent heat stress in flocks, Brian Fairchild, PhD, professor, and Ming Lin Teo, graduate...

... Heat stress may impair immune system in broilers

Heat stress in broilers induced lesions of lymphoid tissues, indicating immune system impairment, but it’s not yet known if heat stress affects the vulnerability or severity of coccidiosis.

... Adapt feeding programs to reduce summer heat stress

Adjusting broiler feeding programs in the summer months can help avoid the health and growth challenges associated with heat stress.

... More light at night reduces daytime heat stress in broilers

Extended lighting periods help boost welfare and production of big broilers during high seasonal temperatures, a University of Georgia study showed.

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