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... Antibiotic-free poultry production: Is it sustainable on a large scale?

Phil Stayer, DVM, head veterinarian at Sanderson Farms, is worried about what he calls an "anti-technology movement" directed at the US poultry industry, particularly as it relates to veterinary care...

... Surveillance, careful vaccine selection tops “shoot-in-the-dark” strategy for IB control

Microbiologist Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia, urges producers not to “shoot in the dark” with infectious bronchitis vaccines and, instead, to focus on surveillance, monitoring and...

... Straight talk with FDA about the VFD in poultry

Dan McChesney, PhD, director of surveillance and compliance for FDA’s Center of Veterinary Medicine, recently visited with Poultry Health Today to talk about the new VFD regulations and their...

... Preparing for the VFD: Challenges at the feed mill

In light of the impending FDA's veterinary feed directive, Richard Sellers of the American Feed Industry Association talked to Poultry Health Today about the challenges poultry feed mills can expect...

... Mountaire veterinarian discusses managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection

Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, details the company’s recent bout with IB in broilers and the costly secondary infection of E. coli that followed.

... Sanderson veterinarian voices concerns about ‘anti-technology’ movement

The anti-technology trend that seems popular today has Phil Stayer, DVM, corporate veterinarian for Sanderson Farms, Inc., worried it could have far-reaching, unintended consequences for the industry...

... Managing E. coli in broilers in the face of IBV infection

Don Ritter, DVM, of Mountaire Farms, Millsboro, Delaware, details the company’s recent bout with infectious bronchitis in broilers and the costly secondary infection of E. coli that followed.

... UGA’s Mark Jackwood: Stop ‘shooting in the dark’ with bronchitis vaccination

Microbiologist Mark Jackwood, PhD, University of Georgia, urges producers not to “shoot in the dark” with infectious bronchitis vaccines and, instead, to focus on surveillance, monitoring and...

... Antibiotic-free production: Tips for making it work

After following trends in antibiotic-free production over the past several years, Tim Cummings, DVM, has identified a few production practices worth incorporating.

... IPPE: Say thanks to Atlanta with donations to community food bank

ATLANTA, Jan. 25 — The International Poultry and Processing Expo will donate $5,000 to the Atlanta Community Food Bank to give back to the community that has hosted the industry meeting since 1948.

... Salmonella prevention requires teamwork between production and processing

Identifying the pathways of Salmonella contamination has poultry producers and processors looking for answers in every step of the process from the farm to table.

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