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Category Archive: ippe2016- Dateline Atlanta, PHT GLOBAL, PHT US

... Understanding the role of the poultry sector in antibiotic resistance

ATLANTA, Jan 27 - Antibiotic usage in poultry, its effects on antimicrobial resistance and human health have become highly politicized issues but they are really important, according to Professor...

... Fowl typhoid can become a multi-bacterial disease in poultry

ATLANTA, Jan 27 - New research from Mississippi State University is helping our understanding of this disease of laying hens.

... Nutrient Management Planning videos developed by USPOULTRY

TUCKER, Ga. — A video series on nutrient management planning for poultry producers has been developed by the US Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY).

... More than 20 poultry experts to visit Poultry Health Today news desk at IPPE

ATLANTA, Jan. 25 — More than 20 poultry experts and industry opinion leaders will be interviewed over the next two days at the Poultry Health Today news desk located in Exhibit Hall A of the...

... IPPE: Say thanks to Atlanta with donations to community food bank

ATLANTA, Jan. 25 — The International Poultry and Processing Expo will donate $5,000 to the Atlanta Community Food Bank to give back to the community that has hosted the industry meeting since 1948.

... Poultry Health Today launches mobile app

Poultry Health Today, the world’s only magazine, newsletter and website focused entirely on flock health, welfare and sustainability, has partnered with sponsor Zoetis to launch a mobile app for...

... 2016 IPPE Sets Record for Exhibitors

With only one week remaining until the trade show, the 2016 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) has surpassed 1,300 exhibitors, the most ever.

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