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Magazine – Issue 5

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Cover Stories

  • PHTweb JSmith DSC3295 Cr 176x108
    The Poultry Smith - In this exclusive interview with Poultry Health Today, Fieldale Farms veterinarian John Smith reflects on his career, the state of the US poultry industry and, most importantly, what it needs to do to ensure a healthier, more sustainable future.

Special Report

  • PHTweb Composite G466731786 Sr2 Cr 176x108
    Specialists explore new options for managing flock health while defending judicious antibiotic use - Growing demand for poultry raised without food-animal antibiotics has put more pressure on veterinarians to find alternative yet dependable disease-control options, according to a panel of nine experts at a recent roundtable, “Poultry health: New challenges for a new era.”
  • PHTweb Den Flag Ss116880646 Sr Cr 176x108
    Can we learn from Denmark? - Proponents of antibiotic-free production often cite the experience in Denmark as “Exhibit A” in their argument against the use of antimicrobials in poultry and livestock feed.
  • PHTweb Chick G95711849 Cr 176x108
    Marketing vs. Medicine: Finding the balance - Growing demand for poultry raised without food-animal antibiotics has put more pressure on veterinarians to find alternative yet dependable disease-control options, according to a panel of nine experts at a recent roundtable, “Poultry health: New challenges for a new era.”


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Words & Numbers

The Last Word

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