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... Inclusion body hepatitis re-emergence prompts fresh look at control strategies

The US broiler industry is seeing a re-emergence of inclusion body hepatitis, a deadly disease that can strike with little warning. Take a look at our special report.

... Vaccines, biosecurity, management keys to keeping IBH in check

Inclusion body hepatitis can be a challenging disease, as the clinical signs are non-specific and there is no direct treatment. Consequently, producers rely on interventions such vaccinations.

... Diagnostics for IBH start with subtle indicators

Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) infections may not offer clear-cut clinical symptoms, but there are on-farm diagnostic measures that can yield early warnings.

... IBH gaining more attention in broiler flocks as incidence, mortalities rise

Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) is not a new disease of poultry, but it’s quietly spreading to broiler flocks — initially with few clinical signs, followed by death in some flocks.

... Free booklet offers insights for addressing IBH in broilers

Poultry veterinarians throughout the US broiler industry are reporting a re-emergence of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH). The disease, caused by fowl adenovirus (FAdV), often strikes with little...

... Tips for managing inclusion body hepatitis

TOOLBOX, Issue 27: An interview with Daniel Bautista, DVM, senior technical services, Zoetis on managing the recent resurgence of inclusion body hepatitis in broilers.

... Serotype, presentation of IBH differ in large and small birds

More than one serotype has been the cause of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in broilers, which has presented differently in large- and small-bird complexes.

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