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... Swift communication key to limiting the risk of poultry disease outbreaks

Excellent systems of communication between farm staff and veterinarians are critical when it comes to managing disease outbreaks and reducing their potential spread.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for next-generation poultry biosecurity tools

Researchers in Canada are looking to human hospitals as inspiration for developing next-generation techniques to improve biosecurity on poultry farms.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 1: Two principles of biosecurity

Watch Part 1 of the interview on poultry industry biosecurity.

... Hospitals offer inspiration for poultry biosecurity – Part 2: Communication is key

Watch Part 2 of the interview on poultry industry biosecurity.

... Farmer voice matters in building consumer trust

Farmers will need to engage in conversations with consumers for the long term if they are to build trust in today’s food system.

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