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... Researchers address producer FAQs around cage-free egg production

The US egg industry is in the process of transitioning to cage-free egg production, but many questions remain about the best practices and facilities for these types of production systems.

... Distinctive condition affects layers as well as turkeys, broilers

A disease commonly seen in turkey and broiler flocks can also affect layers, meaning that producers should look out for its distinctive signs.

... Managing layer health challenges as cage-free demand increases

In a special video from Poultry Health Today, experts from across the industry discuss the challenges facing producers who make the change from conventional systems to cage-free.

... Avian flu likely to re-emerge and threaten US poultry flocks this fall

US egg and turkey supplies took a hit from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) this spring as the wild-bird migration exposed domestic flocks to the virus.

... First seven days are crucial in ensuring layer chick quality

Chick quality is crucial in the laying-hen business, and for Ian Rubinoff, DVM, director of global technical services for Hy-Line International, the first 7 days “have an outsized importance.”

... IBD control in egg layers has unique challenges

By Daral J. Jackwood, PhD, Professor, The Ohio State University

... Vaccination helping to reduce mortality rates from E. coli in France’s layer flocks

Four out of five health problems in layer flocks in France are related to Escherichia coli, according to Jocelyn Marguerie, DVM.

... Backyard flocks biggest risk for spreading vvIBDV in US

By Daral J. Jackwood, PhD Professor, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine Food Animal Health Research Program Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center The Ohio State University

... Hens in enriched colony system appear more stressed, flighty

Hens in an enriched colony system were more stressed and flighty than conventionally caged birds in a study from Mississippi State and Texas A&M Universities.

... S. enteritidis shedding more frequent among hens in conventional cages

Fecal shedding of Salmonella enteritidis was significantly more frequent among experimentally infected laying hens in conventional cages compared to hens housed in enriched colony cages, indicates a...

... Cage-free layers: Are ‘happier’ birds also healthier?

Leading egg producers in the US are pledging to go cage-free, but are happier layers necessarily healthier? John Brown, DVM, a veterinarian who specializes in layer health, shares his thoughts on the...

... ‘Vets on Call’ video series visits major US egg producer

The health and welfare of laying hens at Rose Acre Farms —the second largest egg producer in the US — is the subject of a two-part video of the popular “Vets on Call” YouTube series.

... Poultry vet urges poultry producers to guard against E. coli

Long regarded as a secondary infection to respiratory disease, E. coli is now rated as a primary infection in many layer and broiler-breeder flocks, according to Jose Linares, DVM and technical...

... Feed management for layers in enriched colonies

Enriched colonies are gaining ground in countries outside the EU, where they have been enforced by law, but how to best feed hens in this new housing system remains a matter of discovery.

... Layers 2013 Part 1: Reference of health and management practices on table-egg farms in the United States, 2013

An overview of egg flock management in the US, based on a detailed survey of 328 farms with at least 3,000 birds across 19 states by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). The...

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