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June 10 Photo

Webinar to examine new VFD rules for poultry, livestock

An interactive webinar to help the poultry and livestock industries understand the FDA’s new rules for the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) has been set for Wednesday, June 17, at 2 pm EDT.

Key players in the VFD process — veterinarians, nutritionists, feed-mill managers and live-production managers — are encouraged to attend this informative session.

The webinar will be led by two regulatory experts:

  • Paul Ruen, DVM, a practicing veterinarian in Minnesota who serves on the AVMA Steering Committee for FDA Policy on Veterinary Oversight of Antimicrobials
  • John Hallenberg, PhD, director of regulatory affairs for veterinary medicine research and development at Zoetis Inc.

The 1-hour session will examine the VFD regulation, including roles, responsibilities, timing and requirements, and include a Q&A session for participants. Veterinarians representing the poultry and livestock industries will be on hand to assist with he Q&A.

The webinar will be moderated by John Maday, an editor with Vance Publishing, which is hosting the webinar. The event is sponsored by Zoetis.

Register here

Posted on June 9, 2015


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