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... How FDA will measure success of new VFD rule

FDA has target dates in place for finalizing its data-collection plan and for determining whether efforts to promote the “judicious use” of antibiotics in food animals is having an impact on...

... New FDA guidelines: Rating an animal antibiotic’s importance to humans

The new industry guidelines issued by the US Food and Drug Administration in December suggest removing performance claims from food-animal antimicrobials deemed “medically important” to humans...

... Judicious drug use: The good, the bad and the ugly

According to FDA, judicious use means administering an antimicrobial drug appropriately — and only when necessary.

... Prevention claims essential for ensuring flock health, welfare

New FDA guidelines that discourage using medically important antibiotics for promoting growth in food animals appear to have been well-received by both producers and most consumer activists.

... Poultry vet reviews nuts and bolts of FDA’s new antimicrobial guidelines

FDA recently rolled out new voluntary guidelines for antimicrobial usage in poultry and livestock — not just how the medications are categorized and prescribed, but also how, when and why they...

... New FDA antibiotic guidelines: Why comply?

FDA’s new antimicrobial guidelines are strictly voluntary — to a degree. In the agency’s own words, they “do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities”; they merely “describe the...

... Guidance for Industry No 213

Provides recommendations and voluntary timelines to voluntarily implement the judicious use of antibiotics in ways that address public health concerns while maintaining the health, performance and...

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