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... You’ve got mail: Know the differences between VFD distributor, acknowledgement letters

Notification and acknowledgement letters are required by the updated veterinary feed directive (VFD) regulation effective January 1, 2017. If you’re confused about who has to send what to whom,...

... How often do poultry vets need to visit farms to meet new VFD criteria?

Part 8 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine on the new VFD that took effect Jan. 1, 2017.

... VFD requirements for feed mills: Not as simple as A, B, C

Part 4 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, on the new VFD that took effect Jan. 1, 2017.

... The inspector’s here: What to expect from a VFD audit

Part 5 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine on the new VFD that took effect Jan. 1, 2017.

... FDA defers to vet’s ‘clinical judgement’ to link health problems to VFD product’s indications

FDA will defer to the expertise of veterinarians to diagnose health conditions requiring veterinary feed directive (VFD) medications, but the agency still expects usage to comply with the product...

... Get to know the ins and outs of the new veterinary feed directive

In an exclusive interview, William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, clarified some hazy points of the new veterinary feed directive...

... FDA vet offers guidelines for managing VFDs in integrated poultry operations

Part 6 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine on the new VFD that took effect Jan. 1, 2017.

... FDA vet offers guidance for syncing indications of mature VFD medications to today’s health problems

Part 3 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, on the new VFD that took effect Jan. 1, 2017.

... Laboratory vs. clinical diagnosis: Which is needed for a VFD?

Part 2 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, on the new VFD that took effect Jan. 1, 2017.

... Making the transition: Tips for managing medicated feed through the Jan. 1 VFD deadline

Part 1 of an exclusive interview with William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science and policy for FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, on the new VFD that took effect January 1, 2017.

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