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... How in ovo technology has changed the face of poultry health and production

More than 20 billion eggs are injected each year using Embrex® in ovo vaccine technology, a tool that has enabled producers to streamline operations, save costs and provide protection against...

... Five key points to consider when preparing to switch to in ovo vaccination

A steady shift to in ovo vaccination in the Asia-Pacific region is encouraging many hatcheries there to improve practices and management in preparation for the switch.

... How to ensure successful installation of in ovo technology

In ovo vaccination is on the rise across the Asia-Pacific as producers recognize its benefits, but proper training and support are essential.

... Five critical factors for in ovo vaccination success

In ovo vaccination has proven popular in commercial hatcheries as it can offer early immunity against prevalent pathogens, consistent vaccine delivery and a less labor-intensive process involving...

... Four areas of hatchery management to help achieve better biosecurity

Diligent attention to four areas of hatchery management — egg-pack quality, incubation, sanitation and in ovo vaccination — can go a long way.

... Halting in ovo vaccination not a good option for managing hatchery bacteria

Higher 7-day mortality from bacterial infections in the hatchery is no reason to stop in ovo vaccination for Marek’s and other diseases, according to a consulting poultry veterinarian.

... Environmental risk analysis helps ensure best results with in ovo vaccination

By Tarsicio Villalobos, DVM Director, Technical Service, Biodevices Zoetis Inc.

... Studies demonstrate the benefits of dual-needle in ovo vaccine delivery

by Taylor Barbosa, DVM, PhD, ACPV, Director of Outcomes Research, Zoetis Inc.

... ‘Location, location, location’ keys to successful in ovo vaccination

By Tarsicio Villalobos, DVM Director, Technical Service Zoetis Inc.

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