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... Treatment blend offers ‘exciting potential’ for Campylobacter control at processing

Blending two commonly used antibacterial treatments could help processing facilities take better control of Campylobacter and reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses, according to scientists.

... Campylobacter control – Part 1: Still much to learn about Campylobacter

Watch Part 1 of the interview on Campylobacter control at processing.

... Campylobacter control – Part 2: Research on controlling Campylobacter

Watch Part 2 of the interview on Campylobacter control at processing.

... Campylobacter control – Part 3: Practical considerations for controlling Campylobacter

Watch Part 3 of the interview on Campylobacter control at processing.

... Prestage Farms veterinarian: Processing chain communication critical to identify health issues early, reduce turkey condemnations

Developing good relationships across the processing chain can be critical in helping to identify and overcome issues on farm and in the processing plant.

... Exploring the cause of condemnations can reduce losses

When carcasses are rejected at processing, all the time and money that went into production is lost. Couple that with even slight increases in the condemnation rate, and the losses really mount.

... USDA proposes new measures to reduce Salmonella, Campylobacter

The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) on January 21 proposed new federal standards to reduce Salmonella and Campylobacter in ground chicken and turkey products as well as raw chicken...

... Isolation of Campylobacter from the circulating blood of broilers

From a poultry processing viewpoint, Campylobacter presence in circulating blood of market-age broilers may increase the likelihood of cross-contamination between birds during slaughter.

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